Pizza Hut facts
While investigating facts about *pizza Hut and Pizza Hut Near Me, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Pizza Hut restaurants in China stopped offering one trip salad bars- due to customer's creating elaborately engineered "salad towers" carefully balanced on one plate.
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In 2013, a Pizza Hut GM Stood Up and Refused to Force His Employees to Work Thanksgiving, Believing They Should Get to Spend Time With Family Instead.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the prices at pizza hut. Here are 50 of the best facts about Pizza Hut Delivery and Pizza Hut Coupons I managed to collect.
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The cheese used by major pizza companies (Dominoes, Papa Johns, Pizza Hut) is monopolized by a single cheese company, Leprino Foods, which has control over 85% of the pizza cheese market.
Before 2013, Pizza Hut was the largest consumer of kale; They only used it as a decoration for their salad bar.
In 2015, Cheryl Treadway, a Florida woman, was being held hostage by her boyfriend, Nickerson. He didn't allow her make calls or write texts, so she used the Pizza Hut app to send a discreet call for help. Police arrived at the location and she was released.
A Pizza Hut manager during the Joplin tornado saved many lives by herding customers into a walk in freezer and bungee cording his arm to the freezer door before being sucked into the tornado and killed.
Before 2012 the largest buyer of kale in the US was Pizza Hut, and they only used it as garnish around their salad bar
In 2001 Pizza Hut paid the Russian space agency to send a pizza to the International Space Station at the cost of $1 million
There are more Chinese restaurants in the United States than McDonalds, Burger Kings, Wendy's, Domino's, and Pizza Huts put together
Pizza Hut once sued Papa Johns, claiming that the slogan "Better ingredients. Better Pizza." is false advertising.
Subway has more locations than Taco Bell, KFC and Pizza Hut combined
Pizza Hut data charts
For your convenience take a look at Pizza Hut figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check taco bell pizza hut why by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 1998 an 8 year old boy was electrocuted using a bathroom hand dryer at Pizza Hut in Mississippi. The hand dryer had no ground wire and multiple customers had previously complained about being shocked.
Before the kale fad of 2013, Pizza Hut was one of the largest purchasers of kale. They used it ornamentally to decorate the salad bars. - source
In 2005, Pizza Hut partnered with EverQuest II, an MMORPG, to add a /pizza command so players could order pizza without having to log out. - source
In a Black Mirror episode aired in December 2017, a self-driving pizza delivery truck hits a pedestrian. Two weeks later, Pizza Hut and Toyota announced a partnership to make self-driving cars that could deliver pizza.
A woman who was being held at knifepoint by her boyfriend got help from authorities by typing "911hostage help!" in the comments section of a Pizza Hut online order. - source
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Tom Ryan invented Jif Peanut Butter, Pizza Hut's double-stuffed pizza, the McGriddle, McDonald's fruit & yogurt parfait, Smashburger, the Meat-lovers Pizza and McDonald's entire Dollar Menu.
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When PepsiCo entered India, the Indian government stipulated part of its local profits be used to purchased tomatoes. This requirement worked for PepsiCo, which also owned Pizza Hut at the time.
Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of the Soviet Union, starred in a Pizza Hut commercial
The same man created The Bigfoot and Stuffed Crust Pizza at Pizza Hut, McGriddles and Fruit 'N Yogurt Parfait at McDonald’s and Smashfries, Veggie Frites, The burger and grilled chicken at Smashburger
The two founders of Pizza Hut sold the business to Pepsi in 1977, and one of the founders then became a prolific Papa John's franchisee, owning 133 locations by the year 2001.
The same guy invented Pizza Hut's Stuffed Crust Pizza, McDonald's McGriddles and Dollar Menu, and the Smashburger restaurant chain