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College Dropout facts

While investigating facts about College Dropout Rate and College Dropout Kanye, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A college dropout fooled her parents into believing she was still enrolled in order to continue collecting tuition money. Then on graduation day, she called in bomb threats so her parents wouldn't see her not graduate.

how do you dropout of college?

Samsung, the largest business conglomerate in South Korea, began as a trucking company, and its founder Lee Byung-chul was a college dropout.

What to say to someone who wants to dropout of college?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happens when you dropout of college. Here are 20 of the best facts about College Dropout Vinyl and College Dropout Album I managed to collect.

what happens if you dropout of college?

  1. About Radithor, radioactive water sold as medicine. It was owned and produced by a college dropout, who marketed it as "A Cure for the Living Dead" and "Perpetual Sunshine". It notably killed a man in 1932, who was buried in a lead coffin, and was still highly radioactive when exhumed in 1965.

  2. A college dropout aquired genius level abilities after recovering from brain injuries due to a brutal mugging

  3. College dropout, Thierry Noir who, in 1984 using graffiti, pioneered the trend of painting the Berlin Wall as a form of protest. Climbing through small holes and avoiding gunfire, Noir was able to paint 5 km of both the West and the East sides of the Wall. Noir is now a well known artist.

  4. Time Magazine published a list of the "Top 10 College Dropouts." Making the list: Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Frank Lloyd Wright, Buckminster Fuller, James Cameron, Mark Zuckerberg, Tom Hanks, Harrison Ford, Lady Gaga, Tiger Woods

  5. David Geffen, a junior college dropout, had been hired at the William Morris Agency in 1964 by claiming to be a UCLA graduate. He came in to work in the mail-room early for six months to make sure to intercept the letter from the UCLA registrar exposing his fraud, and forged a better one.

  6. Despite being a highschool dropout, Marvin Harold Hewitt spent nine years teaching mathematics, engineering, and physics at seven different colleges and universities, using forged credentials throughout.

  7. Joi Ito, Director of the MIT Media Lab, is a two-time college dropout.

  8. The "Dropout Bear" on Kanye West's first three albums wasn't originally planned for The College Dropout's cover, the costume was found at the school and he just wanted to wear it for the photoshoot

  9. Jake Lloyd, who played Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, is now a retired actor, college dropout and diagnosed schizophrenic.

college dropout facts
What happens if i dropout of college mid semester?

College Dropout data charts

For your convenience take a look at College Dropout figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

college dropout fact data chart about Kanye West Performs on 51.12% of All His Beats Officially Re
Kanye West Performs on 51.12% of All His Beats Officially Released + His Output Pre-College Dropout Vs. Post-College Dropout

Why college dropouts are successful?

You can easily fact check reasons why students dropout of college by examining the linked well-known sources.

7 of the 10 Youngest Billionaires in America are College Dropouts

Michael Bolton was the lead singer of a short-lived hard rock band called Blackjack, whose songs were sampled by Jay-Z and Kanye West on "The Blueprint 2" and "College Dropout," respectively. - source

Elizabeth Holmes, a 19y/o college dropout, who created a 10B$ company with nothing but promises, got investors like Walgreens and Robert Murdoch to invest, ultimately leading to fraud charges and criminal investigation - source

At 21 college dropout Doug Lindsay was bedridden for 11 years until he found out what was wrong, developed treatments to keep his condition at bay, then developed the surgery that fixed him.

A college dropout was bedridden for 11 years. Then he invented a surgery and cured himself - source

What happens when you dropout of college?

A college dropout named Doug Lindsay was bedridden for 11 years due to an undiagnosed medical condition. He then diagnosed himself and invented his own surgery to cure himself.

How do i dropout of college?

A college dropout who falsely claimed to be a doctor of medicine, offered physicians a 17% rebate on the prescription of his patent medicine Radithor -- a mixture of radium and water, which caused the untimely death of those who consumed it.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about College Dropout. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is College Dropout so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor