Video Games facts
While investigating facts about Video Games Lyrics and Video Games 2019, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Grand Theft Auto V cost $265 million to make -- the largest budget of any video game at that time -- but turned around and made $1 billion in its first 72 hours
how video games affect the brain?
The iconic Goldeneye 007 for the Nintendo 64 was created by only 9 people.... and 8 of them had never once worked on a video game before!
What video games are coming out in 2019?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what video games are coming out in 2020. Here are 50 of the best facts about Video Games Lana Del Rey and Video Games 2020 I managed to collect.
what video games are coming out?
GameStation, a UK video game retailer, added a clause to their T&C's that stated that you surrender your immortal soul when you place an order through their site, to show that people don't read them. They now own 7500+ souls.
Don Rickles passed away before he was able to record any dialogue for Toy Story 4. Rather than replacing him, Disney reviewed 25 years of material from the first three films, video games, and other media; they were able to assemble enough dialogue to cover the entire film.
Most older CD based video games can be put in a CD player and you can listen to the soundtrack of the game
Terry Pratchett's daughter, Rhianna Pratchett, is a video game writer responsible for stories like BioShock Infinite, Mirror's Edge, the new Tomb Raider series and Overlord.
A dad in China hired gamers to kill his son in video games so the son would start looking for a job and get a life
In 2007 GameFAQs had a contest to determine the best video game character. The L-Block from Tetris emerged as the winner.
A man in California bought a video camera so he could capture behind-the-scenes footage of Robert Patrick and Edward Furlong filming scenes for the Terminator 2 arcade game near his home. Instead he ended up capturing the beating of a motorist: Rodney King
Back in the 1980's people were able to download Video Games from a radio broadcast by recording the sounds onto a cassette tape that they could then play on their computers.
Americans spend on lottery more than they spend on books, video games, sports tickets, movies and music - combined.
That, in the NHL, if a team's starting and backup goalie are injured during a game, rule 5.3 allows almost anybody to suit up in net as a replacement (including from the crowd). Examples have included a team video producer and an embroidery shop owner (who dressed but did not play).
Video Games data charts
For your convenience take a look at Video Games figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why video games are good for you?
You can easily fact check why video games are good by examining the linked well-known sources.
The “Tetris Effect” occurs when you focus so much on something— such as a video game— that you start to see it in real life and during sleep
Surgeons who had played video games in the past for more than three hours per week made 37 percent fewer errors, were 27 percent faster and scored 26 percent better overall than surgeons who never played video games. - source
Satoshi Tajiri, creator of Pokémon, loved insect collecting as a child. As more and more land was paved over to make room for Japan's cities, Tajiri became inspired to create the Pokémon video games so that other children could experience the joy of catching bugs just as he had. - source
The classic PC game "Baldur's Gate" was developed, alongside its engine, in 18 months by a team of 60 people who had never worked on a video game before.
15% of American divorces are caused in part by "men paying more attention to their video games than their spouse", as of 2011. - source
When video games were invented?
Inside the video game EVE Online, there is a mini-game where players can help discover real life exoplanets using data from the CoRoT telescope. It has discovered 37 so far.
How video games are made?
Many American public libraries carry video games as an attempt to lure teenagers into a library. The result is more teenagers coming to the library and books are being checked out at a rate that exceeds what it was before the gamers arrived
Goldeney 007 for N64 only had 9 developers on the team, and 8 of them had never worked on video games before.
Best Buy removed the fighting video game "Primal Rage" from its shelves after an Arizona woman complained that her 11-year-old son had faithfully portrayed one of the game's gorilla-like character's "golden shower/urination" fatality move.
In 1992, Sega orchestrated the world's first global launch of a video game, Sonic the Hedgehog 2. They chose a Tuesday and dubbed the event "Sonic 2sday". At the time, new games would release at different stores on different days. Thanks to Sega, Tuesday is now the industry standard.
"Lego Star Wars the Video Game" contained the entire plot of Revenge of the sith despite being released a month before the movie's premiere.
Video games infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Video Games numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Distribution of Scores for Every Video Game on MetaCritic