Monday facts
While investigating facts about Monday, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Jimi Hendrix’s contract for Woodstock stipulated that no act could play after him. The scheduled performance times went so far off that he didn’t take the stage until 9am Monday morning. Most people had already left, and only about 10,000 people actually saw him play.
Losing an hour of sleep when daylight savings puts the clocks forward causes a 25% increase in heart attacks on the following Monday. They reduce by 21% when clocks go back.
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Monday I managed to collect.
The Sopranos" was so accurate that on Monday morning when the FBI listened to their wiretaps the real mob would be discussing the show and thought they had somebody on the inside. They couldn't believe how accurate the show was.
Germany has mandatory quiet time from 1pm to 3pm and 10pm to 6am Monday- Saturday and all day Sundays and holidays.
Matthew McConaughey’s father told him “When I go, it’ll be makin’ love to your mother.” Sure enough, the prediction came true and he passed away having sex at 3am on a Monday morning.
Woody Allen has consistently refused to attend the Oscars or acknowledge his Oscar wins. His publicly given reason is his standing engagement to play clarinet in a Monday night ensemble.
US election day is always held on a Tuesday because in 1845 farmers often needed a full day to travel by horse-drawn vehicles to the county seat to vote. Farmers would leave Monday, vote on Tuesday and be back in time for market day, which was on Wednesday.
The color of the plastic tag on bread actually means something. They indicate the day of the week on which the loaf was baked: Monday - Blue, Tuesday - Green, Thursday - Red, Friday - White, Saturday - Yellow.
In 1969, George Harrison rage quit The Beatles. John Lennon suggested they invite Harrison's long-time friend to replace him, but they feared the possible new member had more clout than even The Beatles. Harrison returned by Monday, dissolving the matter of whether or not to hire Eric Clapton.
" the most aggressive drivers on the road are men between the ages of 35 and 50 who drive blue BMWs", a 2013 study found. Drivers are the most obnoxious at 5:45pm on Friday, then early Monday morning. Drivers of Land Rovers, Audis, and Subarus are also among the most aggressive.
FedEx's current CEO and founder Frederick W. Smith didn't have enough money to keep the company afloat, he took the remaining 5k and brought it to Vegas and by Monday morning they had 32k, enough to fuel their planes and stay in business long enough for another round of funding.
In 1979 a 16 year old girl sniped kids from her window with a .22 caliber rifle given to her for christimas just to liven up her monday.
Monday data charts
For your convenience take a look at Monday figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about monday?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Brenda Spencer, who shot up an elementary school at age 16, killing two and injuring eight children and a cop. When questioned why she did it, she simply said, "I don't like Mondays."
Because of Daylight Savings Time and the loss of an hour of sleep, the Monday after clocks ‘Spring Forward’ sees an increase in fatal traffic accidents. - source
Prince wrote The Bangles' 1986 hit "Manic Monday". It was rumored by various writers that Prince gave the song to The Bangles rhythm guitarist Susanna Hoffs so that she would sleep with him. - source
During a 1978 Monday Night Football game, to fill dead air, Howard Cosell commented on a delicious new snack he was eating, thus stadium nachos went mainstream.
IKEA offers free all you can eat breakfast on Mondays from the time they open until 11:00 AM. No purchase necessary. - source
In 1998 and 2001, Japan modified a number of national holidays in order to place them on Mondays and create three day weekends. This is referred to as the Happy Monday System.
Some people are upset that Memorial day was changed in 1968 to be the last Monday of May rather than the 30th, saying: "Changing the date merely to create three-day weekends has undermined the very meaning of the day."
There is a 17-percent increase in traffic fatalities on the Monday after clocks spring forward
Since there is an exact number of weeks in a 400-year period (20,871 weeks), the day of the week exactly 400 years ago was the same as it is today. Thus, October 26, 1615 was a Monday.
Monday infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Monday numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

How an 18-year old NEET in Germany spends his Monday