World Warcraft facts
While investigating facts about World Warcraft Classic and World Warcraft Movie, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 2007, a 12 year old Norwegian boy named Hans Jorgen Olsen saved both himself and his sister from a vicious moose attack using skills he learned from playing World of Warcraft; taunt and feign death.
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Colleen Lachowicz who during her run for state Senate in Maine came under political attack for having played World of Warcraft and therefore being out-of-touch with reality and living in a "fantasy world." Colleen ending up winning the Senate seat.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering world of warcraft what to buy. Here are 50 of the best facts about World Warcraft Download and World Warcraft 2 I managed to collect.
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'Red Shirt Guy' who stumped a panel of World Of Warcraft devs during a Q&A at BlizzCon, 2010, after asking about an inconsistency in the lore. Later, an NPC was introduced into the game who wore a bright red shirt and was named Wildhammer Fact Checker.
The United States Air Force Pararescue (PJs) use the sound bite of "Leeroy Jenkins" from World of Warcraft to notify themselves of an upcoming medevac mission.
Robert Hohman, CEO and cofounder of Glassdoor, quit his job to do nothing but play World of Warcraft for a year and only founded the company after hitting the maximum level in the game
In 2005 a glitch in World of Warcraft allowed a plague to spread in the game leading non-infected players to abandon cities while those infected were forced into quarantines. It was later studied by epidemiologists to see how real life people would react to a pandemic.
Henry Cavill almost missed the call for the role of Superman cause he was playing "World of Warcraft"
Some political prisoners in China were forced to play World of Warcraft and other games to gather virtual currency
A World of Warcraft player had 36 accounts on 11 computers simultaneously and raided by himself
The Chinese government forced prisoners to farm World of Warcraft gold. "There were 300 prisoners forced to play games. We worked 12-hour shifts in the camp. I heard them say they could earn 5,000-6,000rmb [£470-570] a day. We didn't see any of the money. The computers were never turned off."
By 2012 the players of World of Warcraft had collectively spent about 6 million years worth of time playing the game, about as much time as humanity has spent evolving as a species
World Warcraft data charts
For your convenience take a look at World Warcraft figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why play world of warcraft by examining the linked well-known sources.
Epidemiologists studied World of Warcraft's unintentional "Corrupted Blood" plague as a virtual model of disease spread and populace reaction to deadly pandemic.
A man reached level 90 in World of Warcraft without ever leaving the starting zone; spending 173.5 days mining and picking herbs - source
Some prisoners in China were reportedly forced to play World of Warcraft and other games to gather virtual currency for Prison bosses. - source
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Henry Cavill was too busy playing World of Warcraft and missed a call for Superman
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There was a glitch in World of Warcraft in 2005 that caused players to catch a disease from nearby infected, which spread so rapidly that the "major towns and cities were abandoned, leaving urban areas filled to the brim with corpses, and the city streets white with the bones of the dead.".
There was a video game plague (glitch) incident on World of Warcraft in 2005. The bug allowed epidemiologists to study how humans reacted to a real-world epidemic.
A Chinese father once hired virtual assassins to kill his son in World of Warcraft to stop him from playing