League Legends facts
While investigating facts about League Legends Champions and League Legends Mobile, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 2014, more people watched the League of Legends Championship than the World Series, NBA Finals, BCS Championship, or the Final Four
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Robert Morris University officially recognizes gaming as a sport and offers an athletic scholarship to League of Legends players
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the ranks in league of legends. Here are 48 of the best facts about League Legends Patch Notes and League Legends Worlds I managed to collect.
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Robert Morris University offers athletic scholarships to League of Legends players, and considers LoL a varsity sport.
Chicago's Robert Morris University offers League of Legends scholarships
Carl from The Walking Dead plays League of Legends and streams it.
Certain schools, like Robert Morris University, offer video game scholarships for League of Legends
Korean League of Legends player contracts have specific language stating that gamers must devote 12-13 hours of practice per day
The owner of one of the most successful international League of Legends teams was responsible for the “largest hacking and data breach scheme ever prosecuted in the United States”
Brazillian soccer legend, Pele scored the most league goals in football history, 1281 goals in 1363 games
Robert Morris University is the first US university to offer scholarships for e-sports (League of Legends)
Airbus, the aircraft manufacturer, sponsor an all-female League of Legends team.
Back in 2013, a teenager was tried an 8 year sentence for making a joke on League Of Legends
League Legends data charts
For your convenience take a look at League Legends figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why won't league of legends open by examining the linked well-known sources.
The Lingerie Football League, which started out as a cheesecake alternative to the Super Bowl, attracted so many genuine female athletes that it's evolved into a real pro women's football franchise, renamed the Legends Football League
An elder woman had once prayed to a model of a League of Legends(game) character mistakenly. - source
Jared Polis: Community Congressman plays League of Legends using his real name. - source
Former NBA LA Lakers foward Rick Fox bought the Professional League of Legends team "Team Gravity" and renamed it into "Echo Fox".
Douchebag CEO Martin Shkreli is a League of Legends player by the name Cerebral. All you LOL players out there - REPORT! - source
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In March 2017 a Chinese League of Legends player, enraged by his teammate's actions, smashed his head through the computer monitor in anger.
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In 2019 for the first time ever the League of Legends World Championship had more viewers than the superbowl.
Former NBA player Rick Fox is now the owner of a professional eSports team (Echo Fox) in the NA League of Legends Championship Series
Conor McGregor laugh vs League of Legends character laugh (Shaco)
In 1937, baseball legend Satchel Paige and several other Negro league players played for a baseball team aimed to boost the image of Dominican dictator Trujillo during their off season. Paige was paid "$30,000 to recruit as many Negro leagues players as he could to play for Trujillo."
League legends infographics
Beautiful visual representation of League Legends numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Where do the League of Legends professional players come from, region by region (6 major regions)