Game Developer facts
While investigating facts about Game Developer Salary and Game Developers Conference, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Developers of Spyro 3 delayed piracy by two months by hiding confusing code that would break the game in ways like randomly changing the language or removing collectibles if a crack was detected. The cracking group that finally succeeded thanked them for the unique challenge.
how game developers make money?
The classic PC game "Baldur's Gate" was developed, alongside its engine, in 18 months by a team of 60 people who had never worked on a video game before.
What game developers do?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what game developer is behind apex legends. Here are 50 of the best facts about Game Developer Jobs and Game Developer Salary In India I managed to collect.
what game developer started angry birds?
The indie developers of Game Dev Story uploaded a 'cracked' version of their game onto The Pirate Bay. In that version, your company could never succeed because of people pirating your game.
Goldeney 007 for N64 only had 9 developers on the team, and 8 of them had never worked on video games before.
The premise for the game GTA was stumbled upon by testers through a glitch during the creation of a game called Race'n'Chase. The glitch opened up the linear gameplay of Race'n'Chase to an open world with "non-stop crashing". Developers abandoned Race'n'Chase and turned it into GTA.
N64 GoldenEye 007 was developed by a very small and inexperienced team; it only had ten developers, eight of whom had never previously worked on video games
A videogame developer hid a marriage proposal in a game, but his girlfriend refused to play the game for years, delaying their eventual marriage
In 1992, a team of game developers used a white puffball as a placeholder graphic while they designed their game’s protagonist. They grew fond of the puffball, and decided to keep him rather than replace him with a real character. He became the iconic character Kirby.
A group of developers spent 8 years recreating Streets Of Rage. The game had over 100 levels, 19 playable characters, and 76 remixed songs. Sega shut it down a week after it was released.
Atari programmers met with Atari CEO Ray Kassar in May 1979 to demand that the company treat developers as record labels treated musicians, with royalties and their names on game boxes. Kaplan said no and that "anyone can do a cartridge." So the programmers left Atari and founded Activision
During development, Space Invaders had an unintended side effect of causing the game to run faster when there were less aliens onscreen that the computer had to render. Rather than remove this 'bug', the developer decided the the increasing difficulty improved the game and left it as is.
The face and developer of Nintendo's "Brain Age" series, Ryuta Kawashima, has turned down all royalties from the video games, over $11 million, and put it toward brain research.
Game Developer data charts
For your convenience take a look at Game Developer figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why do game developers need publishers?
You can easily fact check why are game developers underpaid by examining the linked well-known sources.
The first known Easter egg in a video game was a secret room in Atari Adventure (1979) that credited the game's developer, Warren Robinett. Atari did not allow their developers to be credited at the time so Robinett added the feature, told no one, and quit before anything could be done about it.
When executives from game developer Red Fly met with George Lucas they were instructed to never say "No" to him, told not to mention The Force Unleashed protagonist, Starkiller (George would only refer to him as "that guy") and, most importantly, not to tell George how the Force works. - source
A Russian man is suing Bethesda (developers of Fallout 4) claiming he wasn’t warned about the addictive nature of the game: He played for three weeks straight, stopping just for sleep. He lost his job and his wife - source
In development, the original Crash Bandicoot was codenamed 'The Sonic's Ass Game' in reference to the fact the game was like a 2D platformer in 3D, thus requiring the player to look at the character's rear the whole time.
A family-friendly game developer went into a depression after people repeteadely criticized his game character for looking like 'a scary animatronic'. He overcame depression, was inspired to make a horror game, and went on to create 'Five Nights at Freddy’s'. - source
When is the game developers conference?
Disney instructed the game developers for the 1994 Lion King on Sega Genesis to create a puzzle level so hard that the game cannot be beaten within a period of time to extend and meet Blockbuster rental program rules and the rental market.(starts at 18:30)
How game developers earn money?
The release of Halo 2 for the PC was delayed because one of the developers put a picture of his butt in the game.
One developer of the smash arcade hit NBA JAM deliberately coded the game in a way that if you were playing as the Bulls against his Pistons, your shooting percentage would be completely awry, especially near the end of a close game.
While creating the first Tomb Raider video game in 1996, a developer increasing Lara Croft's breast size by 50% accidentally enlarged them by 150%. Others approved of the change before he fixed the mistake, and the marketing campaign emphasized Lara's exaggerated body. It became a #1 hit.
One developer spent two years programming Batman's cape in the game Arkham Asylum
When developing N64s Goldeneye, Rare developers used a modified Sega Saturn controller for early playtesting & originally intended for weapon-reloading to be by unplugging/reinserting the N64 controller rumble pack. Each cartridge also contains a ZX Spectrum Emulator with 10 Rare-developed games
Game developer infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Game Developer numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

My implementation of QuickDraw - an online gamed developed by Google (Quick Draw Dataset used)