Revolutionary War facts
While investigating facts about Revolutionary War Timeline and Revolutionary War Battles, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Conrad Heyer is the earliest born person to be photographed. He was born in 1749 and sat for a photo in 1852 at age 103. He is the only known photographed revolutionary war soldier to have crossed the Delaware with George Washington.
how revolutionary war started?
Lafayette, a Frenchman from the revolutionary war who later toasted "to the perpetual union of the united states. it has always served us in times of storm. one day it will save the world". American troops sent to France in world war 1 visited the grave and said "Lafayette, we are here"
What revolutionary warfare?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what started the revolutionary war. Here are 50 of the best facts about Revolutionary War Movies and Revolutionary War Museum I managed to collect.
where did the revolutionary war take place at?
George Washington ordered a ceasefire during the Revolutionary War to return a lost dog to its owner, Sir William Howe, a British general. The dog was found wandering the battlefield and was fed and cleaned before being returned to Howe.
George Washington's mother was alive to see George Washington win the revolutionary war and see him become the nation's first president. She was consistently dissatisfied with her son and even petitioned Virginia for a pension because of claimed neglect.She was also rumored to be a loyalist.
Samuel Whittemore, the oldest known colonial combatant in the American Revolutionary War. At the age of 78, after killing two British soldiers, Samuel was shot in the face, bayoneted numerous times, and left for dead in a pool of blood. Samuel lived another 18 years.
About Bill Richmond, a black slave who fought alongside the British during the Revolutionary War. He later moved to England where he became one of the world's most famous bare-knuckle boxers. An articulate, respected man, he married a white woman and attended George IV’s coronation.
During the negotiations for the Treaty of Paris to end the American Revolutionary War, the French delegate told the English diplomat that the USA "would form the greatest empire in the world." The English diplomat shot back, "Yes sir, and they will all speak English; every one of 'em."
One of the last verifiable surviving veterans of the American Revolutionary War was Lemuel Cook, who died in 1866 at 105. He lived long enough to see the end of the Civil War.
The last surviving veteran of the American Revolutionary War was Lemuel Cook, who died in 1866 at 106 years. He lived long enough to see the end of the Civil War.
Counterfit money printed by the british during the revolutionary war can be detected by its higher quality print than the legitimate bills
George Washington stopped the Revolutionary War to return a lost dog to the enemy. The terrier of a British general was found wandering the battlefield. The US waved a truce flag, and both sides stopped shooting until the dog was successfully returned to the British commander.
Revolutionary War data charts
For your convenience take a look at Revolutionary War figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why revolutionary war important?
You can easily fact check reason why revolutionary war by examining the linked well-known sources.
Sybil Ludington was a heroine of the American Revolutionary War, famous for her night ride on April 26, 1777 to alert American forces to the approach of the British, similar to the ride of Paul Revere. She rode more than twice the distance of Revere, alone, and was 16 years old at the time.
During the Revolutionary War, fife and drum players would wear colors opposite from what their regiment wore in order to be easily distinguished as an unarmed musician. If a continental soldier fighting in the war had a blue coat with red cuffs, a musician would wear a red coat with blue cuffs. - source
Rhode Island fielded a regiment during the Revolutionary war filled with Black soldiers, because they couldn't get enough Whites to sign up. - source
Lafayette, a Frenchman who served as a General in the Revolutionary War, toasted to 'the perpetual union of the United States. It has always saved us in times of storm; one day it will save the world.' In 1917, an American officer gave a speech at his grave in Paris; 'Lafayette, we are here.'
Deborah Sampson who disguised herself as a man to fight in the U.S. Revolutionary War, served in an elite Light Infantry unit and was wounded in battle. After her secret was discovered, she was honorably discharged, but had to fight to receive her veteran's pension. - source
When revolutionary war started?
In 1917, WWI U.S. troops in Paris stopped at the grave (composed of soil from the U.S.) of French Revolutionary War Hero, Marquis de Lafayette, and proclaimed "Lafayette, we are here!"
How revolutionary war ended?
Benjamin Franklin's son Will was the Governor of New Jersey, when the Revolutionary War broke out Will sided with the crown and the two never spoke again for the rest of there lives.
70,000 Americans REALLY DID move to Canada because they didn't like the way American politics were heading--15% of Loyalists moved to Canada and other parts of the British empire to protest American victory in the Revolutionary war
A Jewish-American was the prime financier of the rebels in the American Revolutionary War. He died penniless because no one ever repaid him.
American Revolutionary War hero, Polish general Tadeusz Kosciuszko. After the war, before returning to Europe, he left Thomas Jefferson his will, dedicating his pay and estate to buy the freedom of black slaves and educate them for independent life and work. The will was never executed.
The highest mountain in Australia is named after the Polish national hero, Tadeusz Kościuszko, who was also a military leader in the American Revolutionary War, and personal friend of Thomas Jefferson.