Civil War facts
While investigating facts about Civil War Marvel and Civil War Lyrics, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Diarrhea was the leading cause of death in the American Civil War and soldiers had an honor code against shooting someone that was pooping.
how civil war started?
Robert E. Lee owned a plantation across the river from Washington DC until the start of the civil war. The Lees abandoned the home and the Union army occupied their land, ultimately burying Union war dead there to spite Lee for his treason. It is now Arlington National Cemetery.
What civil war was fought over?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what civil war battlefields are in virginia. Here are 50 of the best facts about Civil War Dates and Civil War Battles I managed to collect.
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Mill workers in Manchester, England refused to touch slave-picked cotton during the US Civil War. Lincoln wrote a letter of thanks, and relief shipments were sent to the workers. Today, a statue of Lincoln stands in Manchester's Lincoln Square
About Mary Bowser, a former slave with a photographic memory who lived in the Confederate President's house during the Civil War. She was part of the Richmond spy ring and credited for getting the most valuable information of all the spies during the war.
About Winston County, Alabama, which during the American Civil War attempted to cede from the Confederacy and become a free republic, as the lack of any plantations and resulting rarity of slaveholders in the region gave the locals little reason to sympathize with the rebel cause
John Clem, a Union drummer boy during the American Civil War who shot a Confederate colonel who demanded his surrender. He was later promoted to sergeant becoming the youngest NCO in the history of the US Army.
Police officers are blue because they were originally surplus US army uniforms after the civil war
At the surrender of the American Civil War, the Union troops began to cheer but Grant silenced them immediately. He later stated that "The Confederates were now our countrymen, and we did not want to exult over their downfall,"
Harriet Tubman, in addition to organizing the Underground Railroad, served with the U.S. Army as a scout, spy, nurse and soldier during the Civil War, leading a raid with the African-American 2nd South Carolina regiment that freed over 700 slaves.
In 1846, Henry David Thoreau refused to pay his taxes because he objected the Mexican-American War and slavery. He spent the night in jail for his actions. This popularized the concept of Civil Disobedience, peacefully protesting a law, which later influenced Gandhi, MLK, and Leo Tolstoy.
Tipping became popular in the US during the decades following the Civil War, when some US employers began encouraging their customers to tip, thereby avoiding paying African-American employees a decent wage
Robert E Lee didn't want people to build confederate monuments following the Civil War
Civil War data charts
For your convenience take a look at Civil War figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why civil war was fought?
You can easily fact check why civil war happened by examining the linked well-known sources.
The only police officer to arrest a sitting President was William H. West, a black Civil War veteran. He arrested President Ulysses S. Grant for speeding on his horse in 1872, for which the President paid a $20 bond.
Some Greenland sharks alive today were born before the English Civil war. - source
An American called Gilbert Bates marched across England after the civil war carrying an American flag on a bet of 1000 dollars that he wouldnt be insulted along the way. He couldnt get to London because of the crowds who supported him. - source
In the civil war, the commander of the Union "lightning brigade" personally took out a loan to buy his soldiers advanced new repeating rifles because the government would not supply them. Using the firepower advantage afforded by the new rifles, his brigade proved extremely effective in combat.
Twice as many soldiers died from disease than battle injuries during the American Civil War. Dysentery and chronic diarrhea were so prevalent that there was an honor code among soldiers – you couldn’t shoot a man while he was pooping. - source
When civil war end?
In 1862 President Lincoln had to politely decline an offer from the king of Siam to send the United States a herd of elephants for use in the Civil War against the Confederacy.
How civil war ended?
American Civil War Union soldiers were issued 36 pounds of coffee a year and the word "coffee" appeared more in journal entries than "war," "bullet," "cannon," "slavery," "mother" or "Lincoln."
The reason why the majority of police uniforms in the U.S. are blue is a result of the civil war. After the war had ended, there was a surplus of blue uniforms which got repurposed for police officers. The color became associated with policing.
In 1954, the CIA launched a covert operation that overthrew the democratically-elected leader of Guatemala and replaced him with a right-wing authoritarian president, beginning over four decades of civil war and political repression
During the American Civil War, Southern Unionists and Quakers formed a secret society known as the Red Strings. Red Strings aided deserters, spies, escaped prisoners, and passed intelligence on Confederate forces to Union authorities. After the war, they actively opposed the KKK.
Racial segregation in the American South didn't begin right after the Civil War; it was imposed in the 1890s when rich whites in the South feared the Populist movement bringing poor whites and blacks together. Segregation literally stopped the two sides from legally gathering together.
Civil war infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Civil War numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Animation: Rainfall levels across Syria leading up to the Civil War. Were they in drought?