Public Transportation facts
While investigating facts about Public Transportation Near Me and Public Transportation Seattle, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Residents in Surabaya, Indonesia can pay for the bus with plastic waste instead of money. Paying with plastic will grant you with 2 hours of travel. The aim is to reduce plastic waste whilst getting more people to use public transport, thus lowering the number of cars on the road.
how public transportation helps the economy?
When the world's largest diamond was transported from Africa to England, an elaborate & secure journey by sea was publicized - as a rouse. The real diamond was simply posted by mail.
What public transportation does seattle have?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what public transportation is in san francisco. Here are 50 of the best facts about Public Transportation San Francisco and Public Transportation Chicago I managed to collect.
what public transportation is near me?
The aviation industry always uses "deaths per km" to quote safety to the public, while internally insurers use "deaths per journey", where air travel is more dangerous than most other forms of transportation
George Takei refused to appear in the Simpsons episode 'Marge vs. the Monorail' because he did not want to make fun of public transportation as he was a member of the board of directors of the Southern California Rapid Transit District. The role was instead offered to Leonard Nimoy who accepted.
Estonia is the world leader for utilizing an e-government. Citizens are issued an ID, which can be used via a mobile phone to view health records and prescriptions, pay for public transport, view their child's school grades and even vote in elections.
When the world's largest diamond was transported from Africa to England, an elaborate & secure journey by sea was publicized - as a rouse. The real diamond was simply posted by mail.
Starting in 1938, GM bought out the public transportation in many Californian cities, including Los Angeles, Sacramento, and San Diego) and ran it to the ground so people would switch to private transportation.
When transport unions strike in Australia it often takes the form of a free travel day for the public instead of shutting down the transport system
A 54 year old New Yorker called Darius McCollum has been arrested over 30 times for illegally driving New York City public transport. He claims an overwhelming compulsion to do this due to this Asperger's. He is currently locked up with little chance of release.
Oslo, Norway has the best subway coverage in Europe, with 80 percent of all commuting done by public transportation
All 204 bridges on Long Island were purposely designed to be too low to allow buses through, thereby keeping blacks and other minorities dependent on public transportation off the beaches
The Civil Rights Act of 1875 entitled everyone to access accommodation, public transport, and theatres regardless of race or color. In 1883, this law was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court as being unconstitutional.
Public Transportation data charts
For your convenience take a look at Public Transportation figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why public transportation is bad?
You can easily fact check why public transportation is good by examining the linked well-known sources.
Nazi Germany had the most powerful anti-smoking campaign in the world. Smoking was banned on public transportation, restricted in public spaces, and was openly criticized by Hitler himself.
Boston police confused an LED display, with a picture of a cartoon character on it, for a bomb in 2007. This caused the Boston police to shut down part of a highway, part of the public transportation system, and costing $2M worth of "havoc in the city" - source
General Motors and other companies would buy street cars and trains and scrap them to decrease public transportation competition - source
Chinese guide dog users are prohibited from using public transportation and refused service by most private taxis, restaurants and supermarkets. China’s disability law does not protect guide dog users from discrimination, and Beijing actually penalizes guide dog use within its city limits.
In Singapore, car registration is typically $50,000 ~ $70,000 due to their "Certificate of Entitlement" system designed to reduce road congestion and promote public transportation - source
Describe a time when you travelled by public transportation?
In the 1930s New York city planner Robert Moses deliberately built a number of bridges really low so that only cars could go under it - so as to prevent blacks (who mostly used public transport) from visiting New York's 'pristine' beaches
How public transportation helps the environment?
In 2011 a Mexican drug cartel hijacked multiple public transportation busses and forced the passengers to fight each other to death. The survivors were recruited as hitmen for the cartel.
James Robertson, dubbed the Detroit "Walking Man", walked 21 miles a day to get to and from work for over 10 years. In 2015, he was given a new Ford Taurus, and his situation shed light on the lack of proper public transportation for the impoverished to Detroit's city officials.
Claudette Colvin, a 15 year old African American girl, was the unsung hero of the Alabama Bus Boycott and desegregation of public transportation. Before Rosa Parks, Colvin was arrested for refusing to give up her seat to a white woman, citing that it was her constitutional right.
Public transportation was underminded in the 50s and 60s in order to increase car and oil sales across the U.S.
In Japan people don't give up their seat to the elderly on public transportation because it is seen as a sign of disrespect.
Public transportation infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Public Transportation numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Calgary, CA; Walking distance from parcels to public transport