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Bus Drivers facts

While investigating facts about Bus Drivers Salary and Bus Drivers Jobs, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Growing up in rural North Carolina, Richard “Old Man” Harrison of Pawn Stars fame became a school bus driver at the age of 14, parking it at his house every night and picking up children in the morning. He also earned his nickname of “Old Man” at the age of 38

how much do bus drivers make?

After being prohibited from wearing shorts during the hot summer months, bus drivers in Sweden wore skirts to work, citing that since their women coworkers could wear skirts, it would be discriminatory to prohibit them from wearing skirts too.

Why do bus drivers wave at each other?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what bus drivers hate. Here are 50 of the best facts about Bus Drivers London and Bus Drivers Licence I managed to collect.

why do bus drivers open the door at railroads?

  1. About Claudette Colvin, a 15 year old African American girl from Montgomery, AL who was arrested in 1955 after she refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white woman, telling the bus driver, "It's my constitutional right to sit here." She did this 9 months prior to Rosa Parks' famous protest.

  2. In apartheid South Africa, a bus driver was fired for refusing to pick up a Japanese man (considered white at the time), but was reinstated after he stated he couldn't tell the difference between a Japanese person (white) and a Chinese person (not white).

  3. In 1946, a black WWII veteran was taking a bus home in uniform, and asked the driver to stop for a bathroom break. The driver called the police, and the local chief of police arrested the man, beat him, and gouged out his eyes with a nightstick. The officer was acquitted by an all-white jury.

  4. In 2007 the I-35W bridge in Minnesota collapsed with a school bus on the deck. As it fell, a truck driver swerved to give them an exit. It cost him his own life but saved over 50 children.

  5. About Albert Gunton, a London city bus driver who in 1952 found himself driving his route crossing Tower Bridge when the bridge began to rise to allow a ship to pass. He accelerated and jumped the gap, and was awarded £10 for bravery.

  6. A dog in Milan regularly catches the No. 54 bus by himself, to visit his favourite spot in the city. He will only get on if it’s the driver that he likes, and once he has reached his destination (a park) he leaps off and wanders around for a few hours before catching the same bus home again.

  7. In 1952 a double-decker bus was crossing London's Tower Bridge when the process to close the gates failed. Driver Albert Gunter made a split-second decision to accelerate the bus, clearing a six-foot drop onto the other side. The passengers received only minor injuries and Gunter won a £10 bonus

  8. A cat named Artful Dodger, regularly catches the bus by himself in his hometown of Bridport, UK. He waits at the station for the bus to arrive, and travels the 10 mile round trip to neighbouring Charmouth so often, that the drivers bring in tins of cat food and know what stop to let him off at.

  9. The Chowchilla kidnapping in which a school bus full of children aged 5-14 and their driver were buried alive within a van. And thanks to the efforts of the driver, dug themselves out and escaped their kidnappers, who were three young men from wealthy families in California.

  10. A tour bus driver for the Dave Matthews Band released the bus' septic tank over a grate above the Chicago River. A boat full of people was below at the time, and its passengers were covered with 800 lbs of human waste.

bus drivers facts
What do school bus drivers do during the day?

Why school bus drivers quit?

You can easily fact check why do bus drivers open the door at railroads by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Chowchilla kidnappers -who locked 26 children and their bus driver in a buried moving van- never got to make their ransom demands, since the phone lines to the police were occupied by worried parents and the media calling in. The victims then dug themselves out and escaped.

The largest mass kidnapping in US history. A school bus driver and 26 children were abducted as part of a failed ransom plot in 1976. They were buried alive in the back of a moving van. The driver, with help from some of the older kids, managed to open a trapdoor and free everyone inside. - source

An Australian study sent test subjects to bus stops where they boarded with a faulty bus card and asked the driver to stay on. 72% of whites were allowed to stay on, 36% of blacks, 51% of Indians, and 73% of Asians - source

In 2015 a bus driver in India took a nap on his bus, only to be awoken to a monkey that had climbed into the driver's cabin & had started the engine. As the driver ran to the cabin, the monkey panicked, shifted gears & jumped out. The bus rammed 2 other buses before the driver regained control.

When Yuri Gagarin was on the bus to the launch pad, he asked the driver to stop so he could pee. It is now tradition for all astronauts leaving from Russia to unzip their suits and pee on the rear right tire of their bus. - source

When bus drivers see each other?

In 2017, officers from Devon and Cornwall (UK) Police commandeered a double-decker bus, using the top deck to monitor motorists illegally using their mobile phones while driving. In two days, they caught 39 drivers using their phones and 36 not wearing a seatbelt.

How much do school bus drivers make?

A Broward County, Florida man has had 16 accidents, received 25 warning slips, and served 30 days unpaid suspension since 1994 due to bad driving. He is a Mass Transit bus driver for the county and, although his disciplinary troubles began only 8 days after he was hired, he is still employed.

Darius McCollum, a man with Asperger’s syndrome whose overwhelming love of transit has landed him in jail 32 times for impersonating New York City bus drivers and subway conductors and driving their routes.

In 1947, a NYC bus driver and Bronx native, got in his bus to work his route but instead, he kept on driving all the way to Florida, where he would bathe in the moonlight in the Atlantic Ocean before being arrested.

In 1969, Brazilian bus drivers were arrested for training beetles to crawl inside fare boxes and carry out the coins. The beetles were also arrested.

On Thursday, December 1st, 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat and got into an argument with the bus driver James Blake. He threatened to have her arrested. She was arrested and charged according to the Montgomery City code regarding segregation laws.

When bus drivers pass each other?

The scientist who first isolated GFP, a Nobel Prize winning discovery, could not receive NIH funding for his work and had to leave academia to become a shuttle bus driver for a Toyota dealership. He was also snubbed for the Nobel.

Arthur Alexander, whom wrote and performed songs that would be covered by The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Tina Turner, and Jerry Lee Lewis. Arthur left the music industry; comparatively unsuccessful and worked as a bus driver.

About the Chowchilla kidnapping where 26 children and their bus driver were kidnapped and buried alive in a moving van. The bus driver and kids (age 5-14) were able to escape after 16 hours.

Lunik IX, a borough of the Slovakian city of Košice has a poverty rate so high that unemployment is close to 100 percent. Gas, water and electricity service has been cut off for the entire area, and bus drivers receive hazard pay for taking routes through the district.

A bus driver jumped his bus across Tower Bridge to save himself and his passengers' lives

How much do bus drivers get paid?

In London In 1952 , Tower Bridge began to lift while a crowded double decker bus was crossing.The driver made the split second decision to accelerate and cleared the gap. Despite the bus dropping 6 feet onto the tarmac, only the conducter was seriously injured with a broken leg.

The Cleveland bus driver who upper cut the passenger on his RTA bus was fired, served jail time and was fined $1,000.

On July 6, 1944, while stationed at Camp Hood in Texas, Lieutenant Jackie Robinson was arrested and court-martialed when he refused a bus drivers demand that he move to the back of the bus

Until 1988, 16 and 17 year old kids were allowed to be bus drivers in North and South Carolina.

One of the reasons that Buses no longer use gasoline is due to the Carrollton Bus Crash. A drunk driver hit a bus head on with his Pickup, which caused the bus to burst into flames. It killed 27 people, and is the most deadly drunk driving accident in US history.

About Lucille Times. She preceded Rosa Parks' bus boycott by driving blacks around herself. This after almost bring run off the road by a bus driver who called her a Black S.o.B. She called him a White S.o.B.

The City of Adelaide, South Australia has a "Bus Railway" system that needs no input from drivers.

In 1947, A New York City Bus Driver Stole His Own Bus And Drove to Florida

U WOT M8" guy isn't actually a thug, he is a hero: At the age of 15 he and his friend saved a mother & child and several elderly passengers from an out of control bus, because the driver went unconscious while driving. The driver would later be pronounced dead.

In 2009 a NY school bus driver suffered a heart attack while driving, collapsed, rolled out of the moving bus, & died in the street. 16 yr old camp counselor Rachel Guzy, without hesitation, ran to & slammed on the brakes before crashing into a minivan. No one was seriously hurt in the accident.

William Cimillo, a fed-up, longtime New York City bus driver, who in 1947 detoured his bus to Florida for two weeks to "get away from it all." He became a hero of the working man. Larceny charges for the incident were dropped, and he worked as an NYC bus driver again for 16 more years.

A bus driver used WD-40 to remove a python from his bus. It'd been coiled around the undercarriage.

A dog in Milan regularly catches the bus by himself to visit his favourite park in the city. He will only get on the bus if it driven by the driver that he likes and usually spends a few hours at the park before catching the bus home again.

A bus driver in Manchester was given a ticket for parking a bus in a bus stop

One of the youngest patients to undergo a lobotomy procedure was a 12-year-old boy! NPR interviewed the patient, Howard Dully, in 2006 at the age of 56. At the time, he was working as a bus driver and stated, “if you saw me you’d never know that I had a lobotomy."

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Bus Drivers. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Bus Drivers so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor