Public Transit facts
While investigating facts about Public Transit Tax Credit 2019 and Public Transit Tax Credit 2018, I found out little known, but curios details like:
George Takei refused to appear in the Simpsons episode 'Marge vs. the Monorail' because he did not want to make fun of public transportation as he was a member of the board of directors of the Southern California Rapid Transit District. The role was instead offered to Leonard Nimoy who accepted.
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Over a hundred years ago, virtually every American city had public streetcars that people took to work. That includes cities we don't think of as hubs for mass transit today, like Atlanta, Raleigh, and Los Angeles. Today, just 5 percent of U.S. workers commute via via public transit.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is public transit in facebook page. Here are 33 of the best facts about Public Transit Tax Credit and Public Transit Near Me I managed to collect.
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A dog in Seattle has learned how to take public transit to the dog park by itself
In 1912, the average speed of San Francisco's public transit was approximately 8.5 miles per hour – slightly faster than the average speed of 8.1 in 2007
George Takei was originally going to cameo on the Simpsons episode 'Marge vs. the Monorail', but turned it down as he was on a public transit board and didn't want to make fun of it; Leonard Nimoy took the cameo instead
In 2006 the mayor of São Paulo banned all outdoor advertising, including pamphleteering and ads on billboards and public transit.
General Motors destroyed the trolley system in America so people would buy cars and not use public transit
Several public transit stations have implemented classical music in an attempt to deter crime.
In 1998, after weeks of glitches, the $70 million computer running San Francisco's public transit system completely crashed and all trains stopped working
In Hong Kong there are by-laws that forbid usage of profanity in public places such as Ocean Park (theme park) and the MTR (Mass Transit Railway), but the exact definition of "obscene language" is not given.
The sale and manufacture of chewing gum has been illegal in Singapore since 1992. One reason cited major disruptions in public transit, when vandals would place gum on the door sensors of trains in dissent.
Many public transit companies once had special funeral trolleys with space for a casket that could be chartered for funerals.
Public Transit data charts
For your convenience take a look at Public Transit figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why public transit is important?
You can easily fact check why isn't public transit free by examining the linked well-known sources.
The U.S. military built a miniature town called CyberCity at a secret location in New Jersey which they use to train soldiers while using realistic rules of engagement. The town boasts good public transit, its own reservoir, a coffee shop, a church, a bank... you name it.
That, due to its terrible odor, the Durian fruit is banned on public transit in Southeast Asia - source
The first attempt at underground public transit in New York was a subway running on pneumatic power. - source
Large cities like New York once had significant helicopter transit systems, until a fatal crash in 1977 led to declining public support
The highly advanced 'Freaky AI Robot' based off of Philip K. Dick was "lost in transit" one year after his first public appearance while in transit to be presented to Google (video of AI Robot in comments) - source
When a public transit system raises its fares?
In 1990 to stop the trend of ghost riders, people who file insurance claims for injuries they never sustained in public transit accidents. NJ set up a sting operation, and staged more than 10 accidents around the state, which it filmed. Then, it watched the claims pour in.
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An unexpected massive blizzard in 1888 that killed 1,000 people across the Northeast was the impetus for building underground public transit
About the Montgomery bus boycott, a political and social protest campaign against the policy of racial segregation on the public transit system of Montgomery, Alabama, that also led to the Emergence of Matin Luther King Jr.
40% of all public transit trips in the US occur in the New York metro area.
In an effort to reduce sexual harassment on public transit, some countries have designated, "women only," train carriages.
In Hong Kong, public transit operates at a profit because the municipal transit agency also controls much of the real-estate development at the stations.