Rapid Transit facts
While investigating facts about Rapid Transit Sports and Rapid Transit State College, I found out little known, but curios details like:
George Takei refused to appear in the Simpsons episode 'Marge vs. the Monorail' because he did not want to make fun of public transportation as he was a member of the board of directors of the Southern California Rapid Transit District. The role was instead offered to Leonard Nimoy who accepted.
Today is the birthday of the New York subway. The subway system officially opened on Oct 27 1904 making 110 years old. It was the first rapid-transit subway system in America.
What is bus rapid transit?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering in a transitioning economy what is a downside of rapid. Here are 8 of the best facts about Rapid Transit Rafting and Rapid Transit Rails I managed to collect.
in a transitioning economy what is a downside of rapid economic growth?
The London Underground is the oldest rapid transit system in the world.
The state of Tennessee specifically bans constructing, maintaining, or operating any bus rapid transit system.
West Virginia University has the "PRT," a personal rapid transit system of computerized electric vehicles that work on-demand to haul students and faculty around the campus. It was developed by Boeing and has been in operation since 1975.
The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority is hoping to clean up its elevators with urine sensors that alert nearby police officers when someone is urinating.
the rapid transit system of Cleveland, USA, plays music in all of their stations.
Morgantown, WV has one of the only Personal Rapid Transit systems in the world, with on demand and point to point service.
Rapid Transit data charts
For your convenience take a look at Rapid Transit figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.