Subway System facts
While investigating facts about Subway System Nyc and Subway System Toronto, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Light bulbs in the New York City subway system screw in "backwards" (i.e. with left-handed threads) so people won't steal them to use at home.
how to use nyc subway system?
After an MIT student discovered a security flaw in Bostons subway fare collection system. Instead of fixing the problem the city sued the student and newspapers who reported it, then tried to have a Judge hold the student in contempt of court if he publicly spoke about the security flaw.
What is the oldest subway system in the world?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what city has the first subway system. Here are 50 of the best facts about Subway Systems In The Us and Subway System New York I managed to collect.
what city has the first subway system in the u.s.?
The city of Cincinnati, Ohio has an subway system that was built, never used, and left abandoned
Cincinnati has a fully-built, but never used subway system from the 1920s complete with over 2 miles of tunnels and untouched stations nearly a century old. There was an attempt to convert it to a light rail system in 2002 by raising taxes half-a-cent for the residents, but voters shot it down.
Hong Kong has one of the world's most efficient subway systems with a 99.9% on-time rate and the entire system is manage via an AI.
China's subway beggars have designed a system that governs which turf they get to work. Greenhand beggars who intrude on lines reserved for the disabled or elderly get a beating.
The city of Cincinnati has a subway system that was built and never used.
London and NYC have "buildings" which are actually facades hiding subway ventilation/maintenance systems
Cities in Greece struggle to build subway systems because they keep digging up ancient ruins.
Hong Kong has the world's most efficient subway system with a 99.9% on-time rate and the entire system is manage via an AI
Thousands of dogs in Moscow have mastered the Moscow Subway System and have learned to use it.
The much of the NYC subway system's control signals are still based on hundred year old technology. When parts fail, they must be scavenged from scrapped parts or custom made at great expense.
Subway System data charts
For your convenience take a look at Subway System figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why were subway systems first developed?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
The U.S. Capitol building has its own subway system, with three lines moving Congressmen, Senators, and staffers between the various office complexes.
During the 2014 Sochi Olympics, Russians got free passes on the Moscow subway system if they did 30 squats in front of a motion sensor - source
Many of the core systems of the New York Transit system are nearly 100 years old. Vacuum tubes, cloth lines, and antiquated switch panels run one of the biggest subway systems in America. - source
Ellis Island was man made using the earth removed from under New York City while clearing space for the subway system.
Seattle was given nearly a billion dollars in the 60s to build a subway system but never did after the voters voted against it. - source
When was the subway system built in nyc?
The Chinese city of Guangzhou had no subway whatsoever 20 years ago. Today, its subway system has 186 stations and is 191 miles/307 km long. It is today the world's fourth busiest metro system, beating New York's, London's, Moscow's and Paris' in terms of ridership.
How is bone like a subway system?
Some stray dogs in Moscow have learnt how to use the the subway systems in order to safely travel around the city while scavenging for food.
Today is the birthday of the New York subway. The subway system officially opened on Oct 27 1904 making 110 years old. It was the first rapid-transit subway system in America.
There are approximately 35,000 stray dogs living on the streets of Moscow. Some have learned to obey traffic signals and, through their acute sense of smell, navigate the subway system. There is even a statue for Malchik, a stray dog who was stabbed by a passerby in 2001.
15,152 forms of life have been found in the New York Subway system
Subway system infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Subway System numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.