Train Stations facts
While investigating facts about Train Stations Near Me and Train Stations In London, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A section of passenger railroad in Alaska call the Hurricane Turn. Rather than making scheduled station stops, it operates as a flag-stop meaning passengers in this remote area can simply wave the train down to stop. It's one of the last true flag-stop trains in the U.S.
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At one of Tokyo's busiest train stations, a rail line was converted from an above-ground line into a subway. There were zero service interruptions. The lowering of the rail line's tracks into its subway position was done in one night, during its normal service off hours lasting ~4 hours.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what train stations are in manchester. Here are 50 of the best facts about Train Stations In Paris and Train Stations In Manchester I managed to collect.
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Actor Brian Blessed is a fully trained astronaut, having completed over 800 hours of 'space training' in Moscow, and "remains the number one civilian on the wait list for the International Space Station."
When Edison was 15 he sold newspapers to the railroads, & saved the Station Master’s 2 yr old son from getting hit by a train.The Station Master repaid Edison by training him as a telegraph operator. Edison was adept and sold a better process to W.Union giving him the $ needed to launch his lab.
A japanese train station which stayed open for years so that its one commuter could get to school has shut down recently because the girl student graduated.
When college football teams traveled by train, Auburn students would literally grease the local stations tracks before Georgia Tech games, causing the train to overshoot the station and forcing the Tech players to carry their luggage for miles.
Japan Railways keeps a dying, underused train station in operation in order for one high school student to get to her school.
Blue LED lights are installed at certain Tokyo train stations to deter suicides. Research found the presence of blue lights resulted in an 84% decrease in suicides. Although the exact reason is unknown, it is theorized blue light has a positive calming effect on mood
Britain's ghost trains - rare train services in the UK which only see a couple of passengers every day. They're only there because closing lines and stations is difficult and costly, and rail companies would rather run infrequent services than go through the cumbersome process.
Robert Lincoln, Abe Lincoln's son, was in line at an elevated station platform. The train mistakenly moved causing him to fall through an opening, but he was pulled up just in time to be saved. The hero was Edwin Booth, brother of the man who went on to assassinate Abe Lincoln 1-2 years later.
In Gravesend, England, there is a whole fake town used by police to simulate dangerous situations. Fake streets, houses, parks, nightclubs, estates, aircraft, trains and tube stations are used to stage riots, robberies, hostage situations and terrorist attacks.
The band, The Rolling Stones, would never have been formed if Keith Richards and Mick Jagger hadn't accidentally met at a train station in 1961. Richards struck up a conversation with Jagger about the blues records that he was carrying. The connection was instant and the rest is history.
Train Stations data charts
For your convenience take a look at Train Stations figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why can't you smoke at train stations?
You can easily fact check why are train stations closed by examining the linked well-known sources.
The London Underground has its own implementation of the KERS (Kinetic Energy Recovery System), where the platforms are actually uphill from the surrounding track, so that the Kinetic Energy is turned into Gravitational Potential Energy, and recovered when the train leaves the station.
North Korean spies stationed abroad have to receive training on how to shop in supermarkets, use credit cards and visit clubs, as these amenities are not commonplace in North Korea. - source
Kenny G's 1989 recording "Going Home", is China's unofficial national closing song for businesses such as food courts, outdoor markets, health clubs, shopping mall, and train stations. - source
Malchik, a stray dog that made a Moscow train station his home, acting as the resident guard dog. In 2001, a woman fatally wounded Malchik, stabbing him multiple times with a kitchen knife. The woman was arrested and tried. A statue, named "Compassion", was erected in honour of Malchik.
Japan Railways kept the underused Kyu-shirataki Station, located in a remote area of Hokkaido, Japan, open for an extra year for a single passenger -- a high school girl who needed to train to commute to class - source
When do train stations close?
After 9/11, a commuter train station in New Jersey made chalk marks on the tires of unclaimed cars in the station parking lot to help identify the missing
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In France, each train station has a piano in a prominent place for anyone to play. In 4 years, not a single one has been vandalized.
JK Rowling's parents met on a train from King's Cross Station in 1964. Rowling used King's Cross as a gateway into the Wizarding World.
In WWII there was an army of 75,000 Chinese men stationed in Burma and trained by the American military to fight Japanese occupation in mainland Asia. They called these men, X Force.
Tama, a stray cat that was appointed Station Master at a train station in Japan. Tama's appointment turned the failing station from being at risk of closure into a profitable national tourist destination. Tama was so popular that there are now trains decorated with cartoons of the cat.
Train stations infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Train Stations numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Strong correlation found between train speed and distance between stations. Time recorded on Delhi Metro with a stopwatch.