Interstate Highway facts
While investigating facts about Interstate Highway System and Interstate Highway Act, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1994, the KKK applied to sponsor a section of the Interstate 55 highway near St. Louis, Missouri. The Supreme Court ruled the state could not refuse the KKK's sponsorship. But the state of Missouri took revenge by renaming the entire stretch of highway the "Rosa Parks Freeway."
how interstate highways are numbered?
America's Interstate Highway System was motivated by National Defense as much as it was by commerce. The full name is "National System of Interstate and Defense Highways". Eisenhower's military experience convinced him highways were needed to redeploy troops if America was invaded or nuked.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what interstate highways run through georgia. Here are 50 of the best facts about Interstate Highway Map and Interstate Highway System Map I managed to collect.
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A 106-mile portion of I-70 in Utah has no gasoline or exits. It is the longest portion of the US Interstate system without services. A station at one end sells about 30 gas containers a week to people who run out on the highway and walk to the station.
In 1919, Eisenhower and the Army tried to drive across the country. They barely made it, so Eisenhower built the Interstate Highway System when he became President.
The biggest infrastructure project in the U.S. ($512 BILLION), the Interstate Highway System, was built and championed by Eisenhower in 1956, because he thought it was virtually impossible to travel US roads after experiencing the German Autobahn in WW2 during his experience as General.
The KKK was denied the permit to Sponsor a segment of Interstate 55 in Missouri; when the federal court declared it unconstituional and the KKK was given the sponsorship the Missouri Legislature renamed the segment "Rosa Parks Highway"
In 1919 Army Lt. Col. Dwight D. Eisenhower took part in a cross country convoy. Due to poor road conditions, they averaged only 5mph from DC to SF. This experience led to his creation of the Interstate Highway System during his presidency.
The interstate system was meant to run BETWEEN cities, not THROUGH them. President Eisenhower got the highways built, but he said putting them inside cities "was entirely against his original concept and wishes."
In 1994, when the Ku Klux Klan applied to sponsor a portion of United States Interstate 55 in Missouri which allowed them to have signs stating the sponsorship, since the state could not legally refuse it, the Missouri legislature voted to name the highway section the "Rosa Parks Highway".
There are 21 "secret" Interstate Highways in the US. They are not marked, but are officially a part of the Eisenhower Interstate System.
One of the stated purposes of the US Interstate highway system was to provide access in order to defend the United States during an attack.
Interstate Highway data charts
For your convenience take a look at Interstate Highway figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why was the interstate highway system created?
You can easily fact check why are there interstate highways in hawaii by examining the linked well-known sources.
Robert Moses (considered to be the "master builder" of mid-20th century NYC, Long Island, Rockland and Westchester County) was responsible for various NYC bridge constructions, Interstate 278, the Cross-Bronx Expressway, parkways and other highways, but never held a valid driver's license.
In 2001, an artist, Richard Ankrom, spotted the glaring absence of a highway exit sign on a Los Angeles freeway and took matters into his own hands. He created a Interstate 5 North road sign, disguised himself as a construction worker and installed it himself. - source
The biggest and most expensive public project in the history of the world was the U.S. Interstate Highway System. Although it cost $500 billion, it delivered economic benefits worth $3 trillion, paying for itself many times over. - source
Highways in Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico are still called "interstate highways" even though they have no direct land connections to any other states
An artist felt that highway signs in California were not informative enough so painted his own interstate shield for both art and the public good. It took 8 years for the transportation agency to take it down. - source
When interstate highways were built?
Mexican Federal Highway 85 runs through the state of Nuevo Leon in a north-south direction. The northern terminus is the U.S.-Mexican border at Laredo, Texas, while in the south it ends in Mexico City. All of the highway is at least four lanes and most of it is a freeway, making it a continuation of the American highway Interstate 35.
How interstate highway system?
She was quite well-traveled in a period before Interstate highways and commercial airlines, having lived in Wisconsin, Iowa, California, and New York among other places.
I-95, one of the original highways in the 1955 Interstate plan with sections which opened in 1956, wasn’t completely finished until September 2018 with a bridge in western Philadelphia.
In the late 1950's, the Interstate Highway System made the green signs with white lettering official. People were chosen to "test drive" on a special stretch of highway & vote on their favorite: 15% liked white on black, 27% liked white on blue, but 58% liked white on green best.
Michigan's interstate highway 194 is named after Sojourner Truth.
At 3,020.54 miles Interstate 90 is the longest interstate highway in the United States.