Finland Sweden facts
While investigating facts about Finland Sweden Norway and Finland Sweden Ice Hockey, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The term "Third World" originated during the cold war, and was used to refer to countries that were neither aligned with NATO (the "first world") or the Communist Bloc (the "second world"). Under the original definition, Sweden, Finland and Austria are "third world countries".
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The sea level is rising everywhere in the world, except along the coasts of Finland and Sweden. But even though the sea is still rising here, it’s just that the land is rising faster
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do you call norway sweden and finland. Here are 50 of the best facts about Finland Sweden Hockey and Finland Sweden Map I managed to collect.
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Finland and Sweden are the only countries in the world that have earned a medal at every Olympic game since 1908.
Norway, Sweden, and Finland together are NOT Scandinavia, but are Fennoscandia; Scandinavia actually comprises Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, NOT Finland
There are also versions of The Office in Sweden, Finland, Czech Republic, France, Quebec (French Canada), Germany, Chile, Israel, and India (in the making). They all sell paper except for Germany, which sold insurance.
Women of Russia, Finland, Sweden and Norway have on average the world’s largest breasts
There is a "corruption index" that measures the most and least corrupt countries; four of the top ten "least corrupt"---Denmark, Finland, Sweden, and Norway---are Nordic countries
Finland is classified as the most sustainable state in the world, followed by Sweden, Norway, and Denmark
In Sweden and Finland, meteorologists use a non-calendar based definition for the seasons based on the temperature. Spring: temperature permanently rises above 0 °C. Summer: above +10 °C. Fall: below +10 °C. Winter: below 0 °C.
Delaware was founded by Swedes and Finns in the 1630s. Both Sweden and Finland issued stamps in 1938 to commemorate it.
It's illegal to smack your kids in Germany, New Zealand, Kenya, Greece, Brazil, Finland, Sweden, Spain and more.
Finland Sweden data charts
For your convenience take a look at Finland Sweden figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why does sweden hate finland by examining the linked well-known sources.
In Sweden, Finland and Quebec a check mark means "wrong".
Sweden sold Latvia, Estonia and Southeast Finland to Russia for two million silver thaler - source
Four countries make all their tax returns public by posting them online: Pakistan, Sweden, Norway and Finland - source
Finland, which had long been ruled by Russia and Sweden before that, became an independent state as a result of the treaty.
There's a Golf Club on the border of Sweden and Finland: half the holes are in one country and half in the other. - source
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Ascension Day is a public holiday in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Indonesia, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and Vanuatu.
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As of 2008, Swedish coins are now minted by Myntverket's parent company, Mint of Finland Ltd in Helsinki, Finland, ending a 1012 year history of minting Swedish coins in Sweden.
Finland was created as Russian territory when Russia won the war against Sweden and Sweden gave away 1/3rd of its territory which became Finland
There is a point where Sweden, Finland, and Norway meet, but it's in a lake. A Treriksröset was built to commemorate it and you can visit all three countries by walking on a little bridge.
The entire population of Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark), if lined up one and one like in a concert, could fit into a single square mile.