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European Countries facts

While investigating facts about European Countries List and European Countries Map, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Some European countries have a "Freedom to Roam", which means that you can freely go into private land for recreation as long as you don't cause any problems

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Several European countries dealt with their rabies problem by air-dropping vaccinated chicken heads for wild foxes to eat.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what european countries speak english. Here are 50 of the best facts about European Countries By Population and European Countries Not In The Eu I managed to collect.

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  1. About the Berlin Conference in 1884. 14 European countries held a 6 month long conference to formally divide Africa, so they an invade, overthrow existing governments, and pillage without fighting among each other. By 1902 90% of the continent was owned by European countries.

  2. If you have one Irish grandparent, you are eligible for Irish citizenship (w/ fee). You don't need to have even been to Ireland or know the first thing about the country to apply. For non-Europeans, this means you get a passport that allows you to work and live anywhere in the EU.

  3. One man's genes from 4000-6000 years ago contributes to approximately 50% of the male population in 11 European countries.

  4. The flags of many African nations have the colors green, gold and red borrowed from the flag of Ethiopia, which remained outside European control during the colonial era by defeating Italy. As a result, the country drew the admiration of many newly independent states in Africa.

  5. Across all the European countries fighting in WWII, only three national capitals were never occupied: Moscow, London and Helsinki.

  6. Pantone 448 C, the "world's ugliest color" according to research, is used by many European countries on their tobacco products to dissuade people from smoking.

  7. Computers were usually beige in the past because Germany initiated workplace standards that required 'light-value' colors on office computing equipment, causing other European countries to follow suit. This made it financially attractive to solely produce beige computers.

  8. The tiny European country of San Marino conferred citizenship on Abraham Lincoln, who responded by thanking them and praising their system of government.

  9. After Europeans settled in Australia in 1788, they tried to brew many popular English-style ales, but environmental factors and its remote location proved too difficult. Eventually, brewers created a lighter lager and the only native beer style to the country, the Australian Sparkling Ale.

  10. In Russia, Norway and many northern and eastern European countries synchronized clapping is more popular than random clapping."

european countries facts
What european countries are socialist?

European Countries data charts

For your convenience take a look at European Countries figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

european countries fact data chart about European countries ranked by GDP (PPP) per capita: 1997 vs.
European countries ranked by GDP (PPP) per capita: 1997 vs. 2017

european countries fact data chart about European countries replaced by non-european land masses of s
European countries replaced by non-european land masses of similar size

Why european countries are developed?

You can easily fact check why european countries colonized africa by examining the linked well-known sources.

For 600 years Western European countries started 2 wars per year, but since 1945 they have not started a single one.

Pantone 448 C, the "world's ugliest color" according to research, is used by many European countries on their tobacco products to dissuade people from smoking. - source

Oval car stickers were originally a requirement for European vehicles to indicate their country of origin. Travelers from abroad would bring the stickers home to show off their destinations. They have since become a popular style of bumper sticker for many destinations outside of Europe as well. - source

Except for the dutch all current european monarchs (Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the UK) are descendants of Queen Victoria and King Christian IX (Denmark). At the start of WW1 their grandchildren occupied the thrones of Germany, Russia, the UK and 5 other countries.

In 1791, France became the first West European country to decriminalize homosexual acts between consenting adults - source

When european countries open borders?

French Guiana is the largest part of the European Union not in Europe. It has the same area as Austria and is bigger than 14 other member countries including Ireland, Denmark and the Netherlands.

How european countries are rich?

The very militaristic Prussian nation was one of the first European countries to introduce state funded education for the people, certification for teachings, and mandatory kindergarten

A detailed study of the world's economies predicts that there will be no European countries in the G8 by 2050

The longest land border of France is with... Brazil. Because the French Guyana is officially part of France, the 649 km (405.6 mi) contiguous border is longest than any boundaries with European countries. Their longest border in Europe is with Spain, which is 646 km (403.8 mi) long

There are walls in Scotland that people made during the Iron Age using heat to melt rocks together, but the specific methodology is unknown and continues to baffle scientists. They are the Vitrified Walls of Scotland but can be found in other European countries as well.

Tomatoes are native to Mexico and weren't introduced to European countries such as Spain and Italy until the 1500s

European countries infographics

Beautiful visual representation of European Countries numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

european countries fact infographic about Language and religion of 51 European countries in 1 simple t

Language and religion of 51 European countries in 1 simple table

european countries fact infographic about Center of Population of European Countries

Center of Population of European Countries

When did european countries go into lockdown?

A non-EU student can, on average, attend a public university in a variety of European countries for under $1500 a year.

From 1808 to 1821, the capital of Portugal was moved to Rio de Janeiro, making it the only European country to have been ruled from its colonies.

A new study has revealed that African countries such as Chad and Mali have some of the healthiest diets in the world, while the people in European countries including Belgium, Lativa and Hungary eat the worst

The first Westerner allowed to study in North Korea was admitted to Kim Il Sung University in 2014, with the help of his father who serves in the European Parliament. One North Korean student asked him why Eminem rapped about drugs and sex rather than making music about his family and country

How european countries colonized africa?

Norway has the highest rate of gun ownership of any Western European country at 32%. It also has the lowest murder rate.

Some European countries prohibit insulting monarchs. One of the few to be convicted was a 47 year old Dutch man who called Queen Beatrix 'a whore' and told a police officer that he would have anal sex with her because 'she would like it'

Cancer patients in the United States live an average of two years longer than those in European countries

In 1832 the US Bank thwarted the government’s plan to pay off the public debt by illegally authorizing European bankers to purchase it, leading Andrew Jackson to fear that “a new era may arise in which the capitalist abroad may have an influence over the destinies of this country.”

The tradition of opening gifts on Christmas morning is nearly exclusive to English-speaking countries. In most European and Latin American countries, it is done on Christmas Eve.

Paraguay is one of the most ethnically homogenous countries in Latin America because of a law dating back to 1814 which banned Spaniards from marrying other Spaniards or Europeans, being only allowed to marry natives, blacks, or mulattoes.

The tiny European country of Andorra, despite never getting involved in any of the fighting, was technically the longest combatant of WWI. Their peace treaty with Germany was signed in 1958, 44 years after the original declaration of war in 1914.

Cuba provides more medical personnel to the developing world than all G8 countries combined. (USA, UK, Italy, Germany, Russia, Japan, Canada, France, and the European Union)

Canada is the only country outside of Europe to be a member of ESA (European Space Agency)

It is illegal in 13 European countries to deny the Holocaust.

An American woman who was put under anesthesia for dental surgery, woke up to speaking with a permanent European accent. She's never traveled to Europe or lived in a foreign country.

The first European explorer to reach Uruguay was Juan Diaz de Solis, in 1516.

At independence, Botswana was one of the poorest countries in the world with only 12km of paved roads and 22 university grads. Today Botswana has the highest per capita income in sub-Saharan Africa and on the same level as successful Eastern European countries

Sweden is the fourth largest European country, and the third largest in the European Union, following France and Spain.

The tiny European nation of Liechtenstein has the most overall Olympic medals per capita of any country. They average one medal per 3,647 citizens.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about European Countries. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is European Countries so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor