Denmark Norway facts
While investigating facts about Denmark Norway Sweden Finland Itinerary and Denmark Norway Sweden, I found out little known, but curios details like:
There was a tradition in Norway, Denmark and the Faroe Islands where a girl would knit a "willy warmer" (also known as cock sock) to their boyfriends to see how seriously he took their relationship. If the gift was rejected, it was seen as evidence that he was not ready for marriage.
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When Prince Carl of Denmark was offered the throne of newly independent Norway in 1905, he refused to take it unless the Norwegian people agreed that they wanted a monarchy rather than a republic. He won the resulting referendum with 79%, and became King Haakon VII.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what currency is used in norway denmark and sweden. Here are 50 of the best facts about Denmark Norway Ferry and Denmark Norway Handball I managed to collect.
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Norway, Sweden, and Finland together are NOT Scandinavia, but are Fennoscandia; Scandinavia actually comprises Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, NOT Finland
Bluetooth technology (and its logo) was named after King Harald "Bluetooth" Gormsson because he unified Denmark and Norway much like the technology which unifies electronic devices. The logo consists of the Nordic runes for his initials...H.B.
There is a "corruption index" that measures the most and least corrupt countries; four of the top ten "least corrupt"---Denmark, Finland, Sweden, and Norway---are Nordic countries
Except for the dutch all current european monarchs (Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the UK) are descendants of Queen Victoria and King Christian IX (Denmark). At the start of WW1 their grandchildren occupied the thrones of Germany, Russia, the UK and 5 other countries.
Finland is classified as the most sustainable state in the world, followed by Sweden, Norway, and Denmark
Eric of Pomerania, King of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark became a pirate to make ends meet after losing his thrones
The juridical assembly of Vikings was called a 'thing'. Today the names of the national legislatures of Iceland, Norway and Denmark still incorporate the word 'thing'.
After Europe lost contact with the Norse settlers of Greenland in the 15th century, Norway-Denmark feared the Norsemen could still be pagan or Catholic. They sent an expedition in 1721 and discovered the Norse settlements had been abandoned. Theories on what destroyed the colonies abound
Norway, Denmark, and the Netherlands do not commemorate Armistice Day as they remained neutral during World War I.
The Great Viking Army or Great Danish Army, known by the Anglo-Saxons as the Great Heathen Army was a coalition of Norse warriors that originated from Sweden, Norway, and Denmark who came together under a unified command to invade the four Anglo-Saxon kingdoms that constituted England in AD 865.
Denmark Norway data charts
For your convenience take a look at Denmark Norway figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why did denmark and norway split by examining the linked well-known sources.
Some countries leave things other than milk and cookies. He gets beer or sherry in Britain and Australia, rice porridge in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, and mince pies of Christmas pudding in Ireland.
The royal family of Norway was democratically elected, in a referendum 79% voted to remain a monarchy with Prince Carl of Denmark as their new King rather than becoming a republic. - source
Some of the most respected countries in the world are run with socialist ideals, including France, Norway, and Denmark. In these countries education is provided to its citizens for free, making it possible for anyone who wants an education to get one.
King Haakon VII Sea is named after Haakon VII, who was Norway's first king after the country went through its dissolution from Sweden. Prior to being the first king of Norway he was Prince Carl of Denmark. He reigned as the king until his death in 1957.
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Eric of Pomerania inherited the Kingdoms of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark from his mother, and became a pirate after being deposed from all of his thrones
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In Denmark, Norway, and the Faroe Islands there was a tradition for girls to give their man a knitted “testicles mitten” to see if he was ready for marriage.
In Poland, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway the media will often publish a story that is false in honor of Aril Fools" Day.
Honda was going to launch its Jazz model in Scandinavia as the 'Fitta', until they heard that in Norway, Sweden and Denmark the word means 'cunt'
Ascension Day is a public holiday in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Indonesia, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and Vanuatu.
Harald Hardrada was exiled to Russia, joined the Varangian Guard, fought in Jerusalem and Italy, visited the Tigris, took 80 forts, became king of Norway, Invaded Denmark and England, fought Sweden, escaped Prison, and learned poetry, brewing, swimming, skiing, shooting, rowing, and the Harp...