Led Zeppelin facts
While investigating facts about Led Zeppelin Songs and Led Zeppelin Albums, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 2005, the BBC asked readers to vote for individual band members to create an "ideal supergroup." They voted for Led Zeppelin
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In 2005, a radio polled 3500 music fans to make the "Rock's Ultimate Super Group", where they could choose the best musician of all time at each instrument. They ended up making Led Zeppelin.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what led zeppelin song is in thor ragnarok. Here are 50 of the best facts about Led Zeppelin Stairway To Heaven and Led Zeppelin Kashmir I managed to collect.
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All of My Love" by Led Zeppelin was written as a tribute to Robert Plant's son Karac, who died of a stomach infection in 1977 when he was 5. Plant did the vocals in one take.
Researchers played nonstop loops of Led Zeppelin, A Tribe Called Quest and Mozart to cheese wheels to find out how sound waves impacted flavor. Cheese wheels that were exposed to hip hop music had the strongest flavor.
Led Zeppelin had become so frustrated with reporters and interviewers that officials had put down strict rules for anyone who went backstage. One of those rules stated "Do not make any sort of eye contact with John Bonham. This is for your own safety."
The Led Zeppelin song "D'yer Mak'er" is pronounced "Jamaica" in reference to the way British people say the country's name, hence the reggae beat.
In order to secure the rights to use Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song" in the School of Rock movie, Jack Black shot a video of himself in front of 1,000 screaming fans begging the band to let him use their song.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail was funded in part by British rock stars including Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, and Genesis
Led Zeppelin drummer Jon Bonham was told by a sound engineer that he was 'unrecordable' and 'too loud.' Bonham later sent him a gold certificate of Zeppelin I with a note saying 'thanks for the advice'.
Peter Grant, Led Zeppelin's manager, is reported to have secured 90% of gate money from concerts performed by them. His trust and loyalty to Led Zeppelin was such that his managerial arrangement with the band was via a gentlemen's agreement
Jimmy Page considers Stairway to Heaven a masterpiece. Robert Plant does not share his fondness. Plant has referred to it as a "wedding song" and insists that his favourite Led Zeppelin song is "Kashmir."
Led Zeppelin data charts
For your convenience take a look at Led Zeppelin figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why led zeppelin is overrated by examining the linked well-known sources.
John Bonhan, drummer for Led Zeppelin died after drinking 40 shots of Vodka in a single day. He started the day with 4 quadruple vodkas for breakfast
The producers of "The Big Short" took huge pains to get permission to use Led Zeppelin’s “When the Levee Breaks” -- especially from Jimmy Page, who had disappeared somewhere with a new girlfriend and was only located in a remote pub on the very last day before the trailer's premiere - source
A man was wrongfully executed after being convicted of murdering his 3 children. A prosecutor cited his tattoo of a serpent and his Led Zeppelin poster to prove he was a sociopath. - source
It was illegal for males to have long hair in Singapore from the 1960s to 1990s, causing long-haired performers such as Kitarō, Led Zeppelin and the Bee Gees to cancel their gigs in the country.
When Led Zeppelin requested “a lot of flat-chested little birds" for a party in New Orleans, recording industry giant Ahmet Ertegun brought four taxi cabs full of Girl Scouts to the gathering - source
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The Wayne's World famous 'NO Stairway to Heaven' scene came to be because Led Zeppelin denied the rights to the song, so Myers just said to the camera 'No Stairway, Denied!' after just a couple of notes.
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The first print of Led Zeppelin II had such a high dynamic range that on cheap equipment the needle literally jumped out of the groove, and that after the daughter of the studio exec complained about the issue, the studio went on to "fix" it with inferior album printing
13 year old Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin) played on a BBC talent show in 1957. When asked what he wanted to do after schooling, Page said "I want to do biological research and find a cure for cancer"
Led Zeppelin decided not to title their fourth album, to confuse the hated rock press