Grateful Dead facts
While investigating facts about Grateful Dead Songs and Grateful Dead Drink, I found out little known, but curios details like:
When the Grateful Dead played "Playboy After Dark" in 1969, the band's LSD supplier 'Bear' dosed the coffee urn that everyone on set was drinking from, including Hugh Hefner. Hefner later wrote a letter to Jerry Garcia thanking the band for the enjoyable experience.
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After the breakup of the Soviet Union, the Lithuanian basketball team couldn't afford to participate in the 1992 Olympics, so the Grateful Dead funded the team's expenses, and the team wore tie-dye uniforms.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's grateful dead. Here are 50 of the best facts about Grateful Dead Albums and Grateful Dead Members I managed to collect.
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Grateful Dead played the final concert at the iconic Winterland venue in San Francisco on New Years Eve 1978 which lasted over 8 hours. The guests were treated to a hot buffet breakfast at dawn when the show ended.
The Grateful Dead hired a "soundman" and chemist, Owsley Stanley, to mass-produce LSD for the band
The Blues Brothers Band [Aykroyd, Belushi, et al] had a number #1 album which went double platinum and they opened for the Grateful Dead BEFORE the film was made. That album has now sold more than 3.5 million copies and is among the highest-selling blues albums of all time.
The Blues Brothers with John Belushi and Dan Akroyd toured as a real band for some times, despite starting as a joke sketch on Saturday Night Live. The band opened up for the Grateful Dead in 1978.
The Rolling Stones were criticized for high ticket prices on their 1969 US tour so they decided to hold a free concert. The festival was organized by the Grateful Dead and took place at the Altamont Speedway in 1969. It was a disaster, and signalled the end of the hippie movement.
Throughout the 1970’s the Grateful Dead used a 32ft tall PA system that could deliver perfect sound 600ft away. It had to be hauled in caravans of semi trucks and took 4 hours to assemble. They called it “The Wall of Sound”.
There was a "Deaf Zone" created at Grateful Dead concerts where deaf patrons held onto inflated balloons to feel the vibration of the music.
The Grateful Dead had their own chemist who would tour with them, and supply them with LSD
At the height of the Grateful Dead's touring years, Jerry Garcia was using $1800 (adjusted for inflation) worth of drugs per day.
Grateful Dead guitarist Jerry Garcia's autopsy found a bottle cap, a pipe screen, a mascara brush, and a key, in his intestine.
Grateful Dead data charts
For your convenience take a look at Grateful Dead figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why the grateful dead is overrated?
You can easily fact check why dancing bears grateful dead by examining the linked well-known sources.
Robert Hunter's relationship with the Grateful Dead grew until he was officially a non-performing band member. When the band was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1994, Hunter was included as a band member, the only non-performer ever so honored. RIP Robert Hunter
Kurt Vonnegut sold the movie rights of "The Sirens of Titan" to Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead. In a 1987 interview , Jerry admitted that his main motive of buying the rights was less about making the movie, but more to make sure that nobody would make a bad film version of the book. - source
Lithuania's Olympic basketball team was able to participate in the 1992 Games despite post-independence financial issues partly thanks to a sponsorship from the Grateful Dead. They returned home in tie dye uniforms with bronze medals. - source
Mt. St Helens erupted while the Grateful Dead were performing 'Fire on the Mountain' in Portland, OR on June 12, 1980.
With over 15,000 hours of playing time on tape, the Grateful Dead's Jerry Garcia is the most recorded guitarist of all time - source
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The Mothers of Invention did not play the 1967 Monterey Pop Festival because Frank Zappa "refused to share a stage with the inferior San Francisco bands" (Jefferson Airplane, Janis Joplin, and the Grateful Dead).
How many shows did the grateful dead play?
A Grateful Dead fan known as Grateful Doe died in a car crash in 1995 and has still yet to be identified.
The talking drum has appeared in many different forms of modern or popular music including the music of Fleetwood Mac, Erykah Badu, Tom Waits, the Grateful Dead, and Nana Vasconcelos.
Bill Kreutzman, drummer from the Grateful Dead, once went to a bar where a band was playing a GDead tune, without introducing himself, he joined them onstage and jammed with them. Not until they finished playing, did the band realize who he was and what had just happened.
The largest art theft in history happened partly because the museum guard cooperated with the thieves (dressed as fake police officers) - he didn't want to risk being arrested, as he had Grateful Dead tickets that weekend
The theme song for the 1985 Twilight Zone TV series was composed by Jerry Garcia and preformed by The Grateful Dead.