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Russia Gdp facts

While investigating facts about Russia Gdp 2019 and Russia Gdp Per Capita, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In EverQuest, the sale of valuable items for both in-game platinum and for actual money allows exchange rates to be worked out. The BBC reported in 2002 that EQ was the 77th richest country in the world, between Russia and Bulgaria, with a higher GDP per capita than both China and India.

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Russia has a smaller GDP than California, Texas or New York and is comparable in GDP to South Korea, Australia, Spain and Mexico.

What is the gdp of russia compared to other countries?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the gdp of russia 2019. Here are 21 of the best facts about Russia Gdp 2018 and Russia Gdp Growth I managed to collect.

what's russia's gdp?

  1. Russia's economy has contracted 42.5% since 2013, from a GDP of $2.231T to $1.283T.

  2. According to the World Bank government corruption consumes up to 48% of Russia's GDP every year. In the 90s, businesses had to pay criminal groups to provide "krysha" (protection). Nowadays, this "protective" function is performed by government officials.

  3. Marcus Licinius Crassus, a Roman statesman, possessed an estimated wealth of two trillion USD, which is greater than the total GDP of Russia

  4. The total GDP of California is greater than the total GDP of Russia

  5. The Russian economy was so weak at one point that even Iran had a higher GDP than Russia in 1999

  6. The New York City metropolitan area has an economy of over 1.6 trillion dollars, and if it was a country it would have a GDP larger than Russia's and only slightly smaller than Brazil's.

  7. Russia's GDP is the size of Mexico and Mexico's per capita income is 125% of Russia's per capita income

  8. In 1980's Soviet Russia, 10% of GDP consisted of income from alcohol sales

  9. India's GDP (both nominal and PPP) is twice that of Russia's GDP. India's GDP (PPP) is $9.5 trillion while that of Russia is $3.7 trillion.

  10. Russia has a GDP that is 20% smaller than Canada.

russia gdp facts
What is the gdp of russia 2018?

Why is russia's gdp so low?

You can easily fact check why does russia have a low gdp by examining the linked well-known sources.

Despite Yeltsin's reforms, from about 1991 to 1998 Russia lost nearly 30% of its real gross domestic product (GDP), suffered numerous bouts of inflation that decimated the savings of Russian citizens

The five booziest countries are Belarus, Lithuania, Granada, Czech Republic and Russia, with consequences for their life expectancy and GDP. - source

Brazil has a higher GDP than Russia, Canada, Australia, and India - source

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In 1913, Russia's GDP was more than 3 times that of Italy and more than Germany and dramatically fell after Communist revolution.

How much gdp does russia spend on military?

Russia's GDP is roughly equivalent to that of the Netherlands and Belgium combined

Since Vladimir Putin has been in power in Russia, the country's real incomes rose by 2.5, its real wages more tripled, unemployment and povery halved, its citizens' self-assessed life satisfaction skyrocketed, its gross domestic product increased by 72%, and its nominal GDP, by 600%.

The IMF's 2015 debt to GDP ratio of Russia was 16.42%. China, 42.92%. And the United States, 105.15%.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Russia Gdp. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Russia Gdp so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor