Domino Pizza facts
While investigating facts about Domino's Pizza and Domino's Pizza Near Me, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 2018 the Domino’s in Russia offered up to 100 free pizzas every year for 100 years if a customer got the Domino’s logo tattooed visibly on their body. Initially intended to last a month the promotion proved to be so popular Domino’s ended it after a week with 350 accepted winners.
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Dominos Pizza ended the "30 Minutes or it's Free" guarantee, in the 1980s, after a delivery driver killed a woman trying to meet the time constraint.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is vegan at domino's pizza. Here are 50 of the best facts about Domino's Pizza Menu and Domino's Pizza Delivery I managed to collect.
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John Carmack would ask for a medium pepperoni pizza from Domino's Pizza almost every day, during his time at id Software, and it was even carried by the same delivery person for more than 15 years. Carmack is such a regular customer that they still charge him 1995 prices.
The cheese used by major pizza companies (Dominoes, Papa Johns, Pizza Hut) is monopolized by a single cheese company, Leprino Foods, which has control over 85% of the pizza cheese market.
After Domino's admitted their pizza tasted bad in 2010 and reinvented their pizza, The company's stocks have outperformed every large tech company in the past decade.
Dominos Pizza awards all store managers who achieve $25,000 in sales a week for four consecutive weeks with a customized Rolex watch, in a contest called "The Rolex Challenge".
Domino's Sold as Many Pizzas during OJ Simpson's Car Chase as it did on Superbowl Sunday
Domino's Pizza stated that its pizza delivery sales during the televised chase of OJ Simpson were as large as on Super Bowl Sunday.
In 1961 James Monaghan co founder of dominos pizza traded his 50% stake in the company to his brother Tom for a used Volkswagen, Tom went on to sell his 97% for 1 billion.
The founder of Domino's Pizza created a Catholic town in Florida that he governs and controls, which includes banning all forms of birth control in the "town"
Dominos Pizza stopped using its "Avoid The Noid" mascot because a 22 yr old paranoid schizophrenic named Kenneth Noid--thinking he was the real Noid--took 2 employees hostage with a .357 magnum revolver.
An airline pilot ordered 30 pizzas for his passengers, after finding out they would be delayed 2 hours for weather. The pizzas were delivered within 30 minutes by Domino’s and were cleared by security and sent directly to the plane in an official airport vehicle.
Domino Pizza data charts
For your convenience take a look at Domino Pizza figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why domino's pizza?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Domino's Pizza's delivery sales during the televised O.J. Simpson chase were as large as on Super Bowl Sunday
There are more Chinese restaurants in the United States than McDonalds, Burger Kings, Wendy's, Domino's, and Pizza Huts put together - source
In the 1980s, Dominos Pizza had a campaign centered around "The Noid". It was discontinued in 1989 after a mentally ill man named Kenneth Noid took Dominos Pizza workers hostage after he thought the ads were a personal attack on him. - source
Domino's Pizza locations in Scotland have official, registered tartans for employees who would prefer to wear a kilt. - source
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The Domino's launched an ad campaign in 2009 where they pointed out that their pizza wasn't the best it could be, and that they wanted another chance. As a result, the company had one of the biggest turnarounds in its industry in history.
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Domino's discontinued using the Noid as their mascot because a mentally ill man named Kenneth Lamar Noid thought the ads were a personal attack on him. In retaliation, he took two Domino's employees hostage, demanded $100,000, a special-made pizza, and a salad. He later killed himself in 1995.
Domino's Pizza stopped their "30 minutes or it's free" pledge after a major lawsuit that made it appear as if their drivers were reckless.
Dominos discontinued the Noid after a mentally ill man named Kenneth Noid thought Dominos was personally attacking him. He took two employees of a Dominos restaurant hostage and forced them to make him pizza. The police chief would later tell reporters "He's paranoid."
The "Delivery Fees" charged by chain pizza places (Papa Johns and Dominos) are assumed by most people to be a gratuity to the delivery person, but they are not. Delivery drivers never see a dime of it.
Because of a surplus of whole milk and milk fat, The USDA has worked with restaurants to expand their menus with cheese-laden products, including paying for a $12 million marketing campaign for Domino's to develop a new line of pizzas with 40% more cheese.
Domino pizza infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Domino Pizza numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.