Pizza Delivery facts
While investigating facts about Pizza Delivery Near Me and Pizza Delivery Near Me Now, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Dominos Pizza ended the "30 Minutes or it's Free" guarantee, in the 1980s, after a delivery driver killed a woman trying to meet the time constraint.
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John Carmack would ask for a medium pepperoni pizza from Domino's Pizza almost every day, during his time at id Software, and it was even carried by the same delivery person for more than 15 years. Carmack is such a regular customer that they still charge him 1995 prices.
What pizza delivery is open near me?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what pizza delivery near me. Here are 50 of the best facts about Pizza Delivery Near Me Open Now and Pizza Delivery Nearby I managed to collect.
what pizza delivery is open?
Brian Wells, the pizza delivery driver who alleged to have been taken hostage with a bomb around his neck and instructed to rob a bank
A 19 yr old pizza delivery guy helped save a man's life by performing CPR on the customer who was turning blue outside the house. He said, "I left a pizza boy and came back a pizza man." His tip was 25 bucks.
Domino's Pizza stated that its pizza delivery sales during the televised chase of OJ Simpson were as large as on Super Bowl Sunday.
A 19 yr old pizza delivery guy helped save a man's life by performing CPR on the customer who was turning blue outside the house. He said, "I left a pizza boy and came back a pizza man." His tip was 25 bucks.
Domino's Pizza's delivery sales during the televised O.J. Simpson chase were as large as on Super Bowl Sunday
The first known pizza delivery was delivered by the most famous pizza chef in Italy to the king and queen in 1889
There is a pizza place in Alaska that delivers pizzas to remote areas by plane, with no charge for delivery.
A pizza delivery man had a bomb strapped round his neck and was forced to rob a bank. He was arrested by police, and was killed after the bomb detonated.
Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh, after a late night of drinking, made a bet that if he called the Zappos hotline, the employee would be able to locate the nearest late-night pizza delivery. He did this to show how good his company's customer service was, and he was right.
A woman who ordered pizza everyday for 3 years straight was saved by a delivery woman when she failed to place a order for 3 days
Pizza Delivery data charts
For your convenience take a look at Pizza Delivery figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why tip pizza delivery driver?
You can easily fact check why does pizza hut charge for delivery by examining the linked well-known sources.
In a Black Mirror episode aired in December 2017, a self-driving pizza delivery truck hits a pedestrian. Two weeks later, Pizza Hut and Toyota announced a partnership to make self-driving cars that could deliver pizza.
The dancers for Weird Al's Fat include a guy who was just making a pizza delivery to the studio. - source
A pizza delivery guy had a bomb collar attached to his neck and was forced to rob a bank by a gang. Shortly after robbing the bank, he was arrested and handcuffed by police, but the bomb detonated, killing him. - source
Brian Wells a pizza delivery man who was forced to rob a bank with an explosive device around his neck which led to his death as he ran out of time by being pulled over by the state police
A 19 yr old pizza delivery boy helped save a man's life by performing CPR on the customer who was turning blue outside the house. When returning, he said, "I left a pizza boy and came back a pizza man." His tip was 25 bucks. - source
When pizza delivery is late?
The "Delivery Fees" charged by chain pizza places (Papa Johns and Dominos) are assumed by most people to be a gratuity to the delivery person, but they are not. Delivery drivers never see a dime of it.
How much do pizza delivery drivers make?
The average large pizza from Dominos and Pizza Hut in Japan costs $35. Delivery pizza is considered a luxury.
In the US you can be tried for a federal violation known as Hobbs Act Robbery by robbing a pizza delivery person. This is because the pizza’s ingredients originate in different states and require chains to engage in interstate commerce. The sentence if convicted can be up to life imprisonment.
The first "delivery" Pizza was for Queen Margherita, of Naples. This is also the origin of "Margherita" topping (Tomato, Basil, Mozzarella)
In 1993, some FBI agents tried to order pizza from a recently raided psychiatric hospital, only to be rejected over the phone by an incredulous pizza delivery man.
In February 2005, EverQuest II began allowing players to place an order for pizza delivery from within the game, with a simple and easy command typed into the chat bar, that command was "/pizza"