Incredible and fun facts to explore

Pizza Boxes facts

While investigating facts about Pizza Boxes Bulk and Pizza Boxes Wholesale, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Pizza boxes are only recycleable if the grease and oil stained portions are removed; otherwise, the oily contaminants ruin the entire batch of paper fibers.

how pizza boxes are made?

Greasy pizza boxes cannot be recycled; the paper fibers cannot be separated from the oil during the pulping process

What bin does pizza boxes go in?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what to do with pizza boxes. Here are 23 of the best facts about Pizza Boxes Near Me and Pizza Boxes Wholesale Manufacturers I managed to collect.

what bin do pizza boxes go in?

  1. Apple has a patent for a round pizza box and has been using these boxes in their Campus cafeteria for years.

  2. In 2012 Pizza Hut planned to release a limited edition perfume that that smelled like fresh dough. Thousands responded requesting the perfume for themselves but only 110 bottles were produced and shared with lucky Facebook fans who won a bottle. The packaging resembled mini pizza boxes.

  3. The Scottish 'Munchy Box' a pizza box containing up to 3000 calories of chips, donner meat, fried chicken, onion rings, garlic bread, pizza, pakora, and more

  4. Pizza Hut released their signature perfume "Eau de Pizza Hut" in Canada in 2012, and the intended fragrance was of "a box of Pizza Hut pizza being opened."

  5. Pizza boxes cannot be recycled if they have any bits of pizza on them.

  6. Circular plastic thing that goes in the middle of a pie to prevent the pizza from sticking to the top of the pizza box is called a pizza saver. And it was invented 30 years ago on February 10, 1983 when Carmela Vitale got her patent issued for that piece of plastic.

  7. During the recording of vocals for "November Rain", Axl Rose insisted on being left by himself with a bucket to shit in until he completed it. Producer Bill Price came back to the studio eight days later and found Axl asleep with the studio covered in shit and empty pizza boxes.

  8. you can not recycle greasy pizza boxes, because of contamination issues.

pizza boxes facts
What are the little white tables in pizza boxes for?

Why pizza boxes can't be recycled?

You can easily fact check why are potholes round and why are pizza boxes square in shape by examining the linked well-known sources.

The plastic table-like item found in pizza boxes is called a box tent and was patented in 1983. Most people in the business now call it a pizza saver.

Domino's Pizza Japan created an app that enabled Hatsune Miku to dance on your pizza box using augmented reality. The collaboration also included limited edition Miku pizza boxes, which sold out across Japan within six days. - source

Pizza boxes generally shouldn't be recycled, and many cities don't. This is because the grease and leftover cheese is too difficult to separate from the paper. If the lid of the box is clean you can cut it off and recycle that though.

Home Alone's Macaulay Culkin sang and played kazoo for a band named the Pizza Underground -- that has a pizza box percussionist, wears pizza slices as masks, and parodies rock music by replacing words with other pizza-themed words such as "slice" and "cheese". - source

When were pizza boxes invented?

The little tables that come with pizzas are used to prevent the lid of the box from sagging.

How to recycle pizza boxes?

There's a dominos app in Japan that allows you to play a virtual concert on the pizza box

A Warcraft realm server is only as big as half a large pizza box

Pizza Hut Now Has A Delivery Box Which Turns Into A Film Projector

Apple patented a circular pizza box for its workers

There is a pizza company that provides pizza boxes people can make pipes from to smoke weed

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Pizza Boxes. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Pizza Boxes so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor