Civilian Casualties facts
While investigating facts about Civilian Casualties In Iraq and Civilian Casualties In Ww2, I found out little known, but curios details like:
During the My Lai massacre, which resulted in more than three hundred Vietnamese civilian casualties by the American forces, there were three soldiers that tried to halt the attack and save women and children. The three were denounced as traitors by some of the Congressmen.
how many civilian casualties in iraq?
In World War 1 only 5% of the casualties were civilian, but 67% were in World War 2.
What war had the most civilian casualties?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what country suffered high civilian and military casualties. Here are 25 of the best facts about Civilian Casualties In Afghanistan and Civilian Casualties Ww1 I managed to collect.
what are civilian casualties called?
US President Harry S Truman believed that Hiroshima was a "purely military" target when he authorized its bombing in 1945, and was surprised to learn of the many resulting civilian casualties.
World War II had more than twice as many civilian casualties as military casualties.
In 2009 Somali pirates attacked a French flagship thinking it was civilian. The French repelled the assault rifle attack without sustaining damage or casualties and proceeded to capture five of the pirates.
During Gettysburg, despite it being the largest battle ever fought in the western hemisphere with more than 165,000 soldiers engaged and more than 46,000 casualties on both sides, only 1 civilian was killed, a 20 year old seamstress named Ginnie Wade.
In 1993, an Indian airplane was hijacked at forced to land in Amritsar. Indian army Commandos then conducted an operation which killed 3 hijackers within 12 seconds, without any civilian casualties
The US backed Taiwanese government committed a massacre that surpasses Tienanmen Square in casualties. An estimated 5000 - 28,000 civilians were killed on February 28th, 1947 and the incident was covered up.
More than 60 million people died in the World War II, including about 20 million military personnel and about 40 million civilians which counted as most casualties during a War.
Archie Mitchell, the husband and father of the only civilian WW2 casualties on the continental US, was kidnapped by the Viet Cong in 1962 and has not been seen since
During the Japanese occupation of China (1937-1945), between 17 and 22 millions Chinese civilians died. About 1/4 of WW2's total casualties.
During the Kosovo War, civilian male victims of mass killings were more than 90% of all civilian casualties
Civilian Casualties data charts
For your convenience take a look at Civilian Casualties figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about civilian casualties?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
There were 5 U.S. civilian casualties, by the Japanese, in Oregon during WW2
More Soviet Civilians died during the Siege of Leningrad (650,000) than British(383,700) and French(210,000) Military Casualties combined during WWII - source
The vast majority of civilian casualty in Syria is by Assad regime - source
During WWI 10% of all casualties were civilians. During World War II the number of civilian deaths rose to 50%. During the Vietnam War 70% of all casualties were civilians. In the war in Iraq civilians account for 90% of all deaths.
Up to 90% of US drone strike casualties in 2015 were not the intended targets. Around 49 out of every 50 victims were civilians, many whom were women or children. - source
When the us shoot down a civilian iranian airliner?
USA military drops leaflets in Syria and Iraq, before bombing the targets, to avoid civilian casualties.
How many civilian casualties in afghanistan?
Operation Downfall, the planned Allied invasion of Japan in 1945, that would have utilised 6,000,000 Allied soldiers with a projected casualty rate between 500,000 & 4,000,000 along with 5,000,000 to 10,000,000 million civilian casualties
Syrian civilian casualties of the Syrian Civil War are estimated at 400,000
The most casualties in a single battle was during the Siege of Baghdad. After only two weeks, the Mongols had killed all 50,000 soldiers in Baghdad and an estimated 200,000-800,000 civilians
An episode from The West Wing's first season, in which the US President, emotionally affected by an atrocity committed by the Syrian government, weighs response options and finally decides on striking an evacuated military target so as to minimize civilian casualties.