Fatal Crashes facts
While investigating facts about Fatal Crashes Caught On Camera and Fatal Crashes Videos, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In the 80's and 90's, Domino's guarantee of delivery within 30 minutes led to so many fatal car crashes their employee death rate was compared to miners and construction workers.
how many fatal car crashes in 2019?
In 1998, a woman disappeared while awaiting trial after she had drunkenly killed a woman in a fatal car crash. In 2013, she was arrested in Manitoba, Canada after bragging in a bar about having gotten away with the crime.
What is a major cause of fatal head-on crashes idrivesafely?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what percentage of car crashes are fatal. Here are 50 of the best facts about Fatal Crashes Youtube and Fatal Crashes Today I managed to collect.
what is a major cause of fatal head-on crashes?
Kara Hultgreen became the first female fighter pilot, despite having low scores which normally would end your career. She later fatally crashed her F-14 in a landing attempt.
Airplane windows were once square until 3 fatal crashes in the 50's were caused by the windows. Corners are weak points(4 on a window) and stress/pressure can cause these points to crack
The drunk driver who killed NBA star Malik Sealy was arrested twice more for drunk driving after the fatal crash.
Princess Diana's late boyfriend Dodi Al-Fayed, who was also in the fatal car crash in 1997, was first cousins with Jamal Khashoggi.
Aviation experts say African airlines have a terrible safety record but Ethiopian Airlines has always been considered an exception with a solid history. The previous fatal crash was in 1988 when a domestic flight hit a flock of pigeons and crashed, killing 31 people
There were 1,466 private jet crashes in 2011, resulting in 263 fatalities. The global accident rate for corporate jets is only 1/6th that for owner-operated private jets.
Peter Nielsen, an air traffic controller involved in an airplane collision resulting in 71 fatalities, was tracked down and murdered two years after the events, by a man whose wife and daughters died in the crash.
Texas Hasn't Had a Deathless Day Without a Fatal Car Crash Since 2000
When Dale Earnhardt fatally crashed into the wall at Daytona International Speedway in 2001, his car experienced g-forces ranging from −68g to −48g
Elvis Presley's co star in Jailhouse Rock, Judy Tyler, died in a fatal car crash 1 week after completing Jailhouse Rock. Elvis never watched the movie because of the accident which haunted him for months.
Fatal Crashes data charts
For your convenience take a look at Fatal Crashes figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why are airplane crashes fatal?
You can easily fact check why are plane crashes so fatal by examining the linked well-known sources.
NTSB's MIA92FA051 fatal crash report implies that the pilot and passenger were engaged in sex when their Piper airplane crashed.
Elderly people are safer drivers than young people are. 16- and 17-year-olds are the worst of any age group: they are involved in more fatal crashes and 3x as many non-fatal crashes as elderly people are. - source
Orville Wright was the pilot of the first fatal airplane crash - source
Henry Ford planned to introduce a personal, single-seated airplane called the Ford Flivver. Known as the "Model-T of the air", production was halted after 1 of the 5 prototypes fatally crashed into the ocean.
Amphibian populations have been crashing worldwide since the 1980s due to the spread of a fatal fungus and other anthropogenic factors, making them the vertebrate group with the greatest proportion of species facing extinction - source
What percent of crashes are fatal when falling asleep at the wheel?
On April 20th, one study found a 12% increase in the risk of fatal motor vehicle crash between 4:20 p.m. and midnight on April 20th compared to identical time intervals on control days. Drivers less than 21 years of age, risks were 38% higher on April 20th than on control days.
How many fatal plane crashes in 2019?
You are more likely to suffer from PTSD by being involved in a car crash with a fatality, than by being a victim of war, violence, or natural disaster.
The Fairey Barracuda had high rate of unexplained fatal crashes often involving experienced pilots. It was found that gauges were spraying ether into the pilot’s face.
According to a 2006 IIHS study, electronic stability control could prevent almost one-third of all fatal crashes
Aerobatic pilot Art Scholl was hired to do in-flight camera work for the film Top Gun. While recording for a "flat spin" stunt, Scholl came into real issues when he entered an unrecoverable spin which led to a fatal crash. Neither Scholl's body nor his aircraft were recovered.
In 2009, More than one-third (35%) of drivers age 21 to 24 involved in fatal crashes were alcohol-impaired
Fatal crashes infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Fatal Crashes numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.