Tops List facts
While investigating facts about Tensorflow Ops List and Topslistens, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Kyoto was actually at the top of the list of targets for the atomic bomb, not Nagasaki nor Hiroshima. Secretary of War Henry Stimson ordered for the ancient city with its thousands of palaces, temples, and shrines to be removed from the list, but the military kept on putting it back.
how you remind me topped the charts?
Logging, fishing, and aircraft piloting/flight engineering are the top 3 most dangerous jobs in America, while law enforcement and firefighting are ranked 15th on the list. Taxi drivers are more than twice as likely to be murdered on the job than law enforcement personnel.
What five songs topped the charts in the 90s?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what song topped the charts the longest. Here are 50 of the best facts about Tops List South Africa and Tops Listens Survey I managed to collect.
what song topped the charts on my birthday?
Bambi is listed in the Top 25 Horror Movies of all Time by Time magazine. Bambi, Time states, "has a primal shock that still haunts oldsters who saw it 40, 50, 65 years ago.”
Scientists in 1916 felt America was degenerating into a second rate nationality. They listed the Top 20 threats to USA: #8 America leads all nations in murders #12 Hearty eating without exercise #18 Remarkable cancer mortality increase
Juggalos are on the FBI’s official “top threat gangs” list, since 2011.
In November 1994, Tim Allen starred in the highest grossing film, Disney's "The Santa Clause", topped the New York Times best-seller list with his book "Don't Stand Too Close to a Naked Man" and appeared in the top rated TV series "Home Improvement", all within the span of one week.
Harvey Weinstein insisted on cuts to a film and when the director refused, reduced the release to only 8 theaters nationwide. The film went on to 95% Fresh rating and dozens of critics' annual top 10 lists. The film: "Snowpiercer"
Kyoto was originally at the top of the atomic bomb target list during WW2, but was personally removed by U.S. Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson. He had previously been to Kyoto on his honeymoon.
Captain Underpants has twice topped the list of banned books in America
As of 2008, TV show Top Gear had a waiting list of over 300,000 names, or 21 years worth of episodes
Tom and Jerry ranks number 58 in Japan's top 100 animes of all time list
The Terminator is only cinematic character to appear on AFI's list of Top 100 Villains and Heroes twice, once under each category.
Tops List data charts
For your convenience take a look at Tops List figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about tops list?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
The United States is ranked 69th on the World Happiness Index and that the majority of countries at the top of the list are Social Democracies.
Germany has the lowest birth rate in the world while the highest birth rates are in Africa with Niger at the top of the list - source
Queen appears twice on the list of top 10 best-selling albums in the UK: #1 for 'Greatest Hits' and #10 for 'Greatest Hits II'. - source
If you look a list of the top 20 cities in the world with the highest murder rates, half of them are in Brazil.
The 4chan community voted moot(creator of 4chan) as Time Magazine's World's Most Influential Person in 2009, while additionally spelling out the acyronym "marblecake also the game" with the listmember's first names by collectively voting for the following top 20 people on the list. - source
Song that topped the charts when i was born?
In 2007, Game Informer's Top 10 Villains list included the song, "Through the Fire and Flames" from Guitar Hero. It was #4.
Three horses--Secretariat, Man o' War, and Citation--are included on ESPN's Top North American Athletes of the Century list
R.L. Stine was listed as one of the top 40 entertainers of 1996-1997 by Forbes magazine. He was estimated to have earned $41 million during that time.
In 2010 and 2011 he was listed as one of Foreign Policy's Top 100 Global thinkers.
Both Wifey and Smart Women made it to the top of The New York Times bestseller lists, with Wifey selling more than 4 million copies.
Pauly Shore has a party mansion on the outskirts of Georgetown, Guyana where he hosts invite only parties attended by B-list semi-celebrities like Matt Dillon, Carrot Top and Seth Green
Tops list infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Tops List numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

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