Low Wages facts
While investigating facts about Low Wages Meaning and Low Wages Uk, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Ghana and Ivory Coast produce at least 70 percent of the world's cocoa beans. And the world is running out of cocoa farmers as the next generation refuses to take up this job because of the difficulty of the process and wages as low as 84 cents a day.
how low wages hurt families and perpetuate poverty?
In the United States, more money is stolen by employers from employees each year than is stolen in robberies, burglaries, larcenies and auto thefts COMBINED. The most common victims of wage theft are low wage workers.
What was one effect of low wages apex?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what was the main reason for low wages in the victorian era. Here are 21 of the best facts about Low Wages In America and Low Wages Figuratively Crossword Clue I managed to collect.
what was one effect of low wages?
Walmart makes over $13 billion in sales from food stamps, but because of its employees' low wages, also likely has the most employees currently receiving food stamps.
After the abolition of slavery in 1833, the British introduced a scheme called the Indian Indenture System. The newly freed slaves were not willing to work for the low wages offered by the British, so Indians became a substitute in what became a second slave trade. It was banned in 1917.
Japan has an internship program for Asian foreign workers to address labour shortages where they face low wages, slave-like conditions and death. More than 60 have died in 2008 and 2009. Advocacy groups have called the internship scheme a form of slavery or human trafficking.
It is estimated that approximately 18% of the food stamps used in the United States are spent at Walmart. This equals approximately $13 billion. Walmart employees often have to use food stamps as well, to make ends meet on their reportedly low wages.
About the "Slow-Movement" going against the cultural way of making everything cheap and fast such as Fast-Food and brands made by low-wage labor sold at high-price.
In March of 1970 over 200,000 letter carriers across the U.S went on strike due to low wages and poor working conditions in one of the largest wildcat strikes in American history, leading to the formation of the largest postal workers union in the world.
Jimmy John's, the famous sandwich shop, forces employees to sign an oppressive non compete agreement, for both managers and low wage workers. The agreement keeps one from working near a Jimmy John's location and with a company that receives 10% earnings from sandwiches.
In Japan, thousands of unemployed and low-wage workers have taken to living in 24 hour internet cafes
Foxconn an industrial park in China used by the likes of Apple and HP, had to install suicide nets due to so many employees attempting suicide because of the low wages and work conditions
Despite being renowned for low wages and poor treatment of employees, Walmart tops the list for the company with the highest revenue in the world in 2015
Low Wages data charts
For your convenience take a look at Low Wages figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why low wages in developing countries?
You can easily fact check why are wages so low by examining the linked well-known sources.
In the United States, the Black Codes were laws passed by Southern states in 1865 and 1866. These laws had the intent and the effect of restricting African Americans' freedom, and of compelling them to work in a labor economy based on low wages or debt.
about “social dumping” is a practice of employers to use cheaper labour than is usually available at their site of production or sale. In the latter case, migrant workers are employed; in the former, production is moved to a low-wage country or area. - source
In the 1700's, Parisian wet nurses received low wages and paid high rents. This forced many lower-class Parisian mothers to leave their own children and work as wet nurses, which meant they sent their own babies away to be cared for by wet nurses poorer than themselves - source
Goodwill Industries hires disabled people at subminimal wages, as low as 1.40 USD/hr, while some of their executives make over 1 million USD/yr.
The term "saber rattling" comes from a 1924 incident in Chile. In protest of low wages and stalled social reforms, a group of military officers scraped their swords against the floor of Congress to show their discontent with the ruling political class. - source
What happens to wages when unemployment is low?
American taxpayers are spending $153 billion a year to subsidize McDonald’s and Wal-Mart’s low wage workers
How low wages hurt the economy?
About 25% of adjunct professors in the US receive some form of public assistance due to their low wages.
In 2010, the UFCW Union protested Wal-Marts low wages, by hiring non-union protesters who were paid min. wage.
Nuns were some of the best early female scientists because they didn't face the issues of low wages for women or the pressures to marry and have children, nearly insurmountable obstacles.