Forbes List facts
While investigating facts about Forbes List 2020 and Forbes List 2018, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 2004, Forbes named J.K. Rowling the first person to become a billionaire (in US dollars) from writing books. By 2012, she had donated so much money to charity that they had to remove her from the rich list because she was no longer a billionaire.
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After Forbes claimed that 70% of billionaires on their Forbes 400 list made their fortune "entirely from scratch", analysts found that, in fact, over 60% grew up in substantial privilege with some inheriting over $50 million.
What's forbes list?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the 30 under 30 forbes list. Here are 27 of the best facts about Forbes List Of Billionaires and Forbes List Rappers I managed to collect.
who is at the top of the forbes list?
Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling is the first billionaire to fall off the Forbes billionaire list because of charitable giving: "You have a moral responsibility when you've been given far more than you need, to do wise things with it and give intelligently."
Forbes Has Estimated That Smaug From The Hobbit, Was Worth 8.6 Billion Dollars. Putting Him 7th On Their Fictional 15 List.
Santa Claus has been excluded from the "Forbes Fictional 15", which lists the wealthiest fictional characters, since 2006, due to the fact that they had received countless letters from children insisting that he was real.
Since the inception of Forbes "400 Richest Americans" list in 1982, only one man from said list has ever been convicted of murder: philanthropist and wrestling coach, John du Pont.
R.L. Stine was listed as one of the top 40 entertainers of 1996-1997 by Forbes magazine. He was estimated to have earned $41 million during that time.
Between 2003 and 2011, one Chinese billionaire died of unnatural causes, on average, every 40 days, leading Forbes' list of the richest Chinese people to be nicknamed "The Death List" in China
Fidel Castro was ranked No. 7 on the Forbes list of world's wealthiest rulers, right behind Prince Albert, whose fortune is estimated at $1 billion. Ahead of them both are five Arab Gulf kings and sheiks.
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter author, is the second billionaire ever to fall off the Forbes billionaire list because of charitable giving.
In 1989 Forbes listed Pablo Escobar as one of the top 20 richest men in the world worth $3 billion — his real net worth was $30 billion
Mexican drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman Loera made Forbes billionaire list in 2012
Forbes List data charts
For your convenience take a look at Forbes List figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why aren't the rothschilds on the forbes list?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 2012 Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling was dropped from Forbes' billionaire list due to giving away her money to charity. Rowling said, “You have a moral responsibility when you’ve been given far more than you need, to do wise things with it and give intelligently.”
A Saudi prince launched libel action against Forbes magazine over Rich List saying Forbes undervalued his wealth by $9.6 billion. - source
Forbes publishes a list of the social elite called the Social Register which gives the educational backgrounds, birth names, and club memberships of listees, and the names given to estates or grand residences. The Summer edition lists names of yachts, specifications, and country of registration. - source
J.K. Rowling Drops Off the Forbes Billionaires List Due to Her Charitable Donations
Forbes has a list of the wealthiest fictional characters. To be considered, characters must be apart of a narrative story. The only exception was Santa Claus, who's wealth is estimated as "Infinite". He has been removed due to the immense amount of letters from children claiming Santa is "Real". - source
When does forbes billionaire list come out?
John du Pont is the only person who appeared on the Forbes list of 400 richest Americans to ever be convicted of murder.
How to make the forbes list?
In 2012, Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling became the first billionaire to fall off the Forbes billionaire list because of charitable giving.
The Monsanto corporation (they made agent orange) was named company of the year in 2010 by Forbes magazine but was also ranked at the bottom of the list for for ethics by Swiss Research firm Covalence in the same year.
The position, 'Chairman of the Federal Reserve' is considered powerful enough to consistently have a spot on Forbes' Top 10 list of The World's Most Powerful People
Forbes maintains a list of the fifteen richest fictional characters
The 4 biggest public companies in the world are chinese - Out of the top ten 5 companies are chinese and 5 are from the US (Forbes List of 2015)