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Test Scores facts

While investigating facts about Test Scores By State and Test Scores Calculator, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Wally Funk, who became an aviator at 20, and in 1961 volunteered to be part of the Women in Space program. She scored higher on tests than future astronaut John Glenn. The program was cancelled. Today, at 86, she continues to fly, and has a ticket to fly into space with Virgin Galactic.

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Scientists injected mouse pups with human glial cells. Within a year the human brain cells integrated and replaced over half of the natural cells. The mice developed supercharged intelligence- scoring much higher on cognitive & memory tests then their unaltered kin.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does percentile mean in test scores. Here are 50 of the best facts about Test Scores Cricket and Test Scores Live I managed to collect.

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  1. Costco's Kirkland Signature Vodka is made in the same region, using the same water, as Grey Goose and scores higher in blind taste tests. It costs less than 1/2 the price.

  2. At the Nuremburg trials, several Nazi leaders achieved genius-level scores on an IQ test

  3. Google has found GPA's and test scores to be "worthless as a criteria for hiring"; they have teams where 14% of their employees haven't gone to college

  4. Texas uses elementary kids reading test scores to determine how many prisons and hospitals will be built in 10 years.

  5. For over a decade teachers and principals in Atlanta erased wrong answers and filled in the right ones in students' tests. At one school, the faculty held weekend pizza parties to correct answers before turning them in. Over the course of a single year, scores at the school jumped 45 percent.

  6. Warner Bros held two test screenings of its animated movie "Thumbelina". The first time around, the audience reaction was flat. For the next test, they prefaced the exact same footage with the Walt Disney logo. The test scores soared

  7. A city in China is enforcing a social credit score system for dog owners. Owners begin with 12 points but lose points for walking a dog without a leash, not cleaning up poo or being reported for disturbance. Loss of 12 points results in loss of the dog until its owner passes a test on pet policy

  8. The NFL players given the Wonderlic Test (a test given before entering the NFL Draft to measure intelligence) at least 19 in the last 37 years have scored below 10, meaning they are illiterate. 10 of those 19 graduated from a major university.

  9. Black people with the lowest test scores have a better acceptance rate into med school than Asians with the highest test scores.

  10. Police can refuse to interview job applicants if they score too high on an intelligence test

test scores facts
What are good sat subject test scores?

Test Scores data charts

For your convenience take a look at Test Scores figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

test scores fact data chart about Distribution of Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) scores
Distribution of Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) scores from /r/premed users, compared to all applicants.

test scores fact data chart about No relationship between bribe amount and ACT test score in t
No relationship between bribe amount and ACT test score in the college admissions scandal

What is true about test scores?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Germans score higher than the English on IELTS, The International English Language Testing System

That, in 1948, a psychologist gave a group of his students a test that he said could summarise their personalities. Upon receiving their summaries one week later, the students gave them an average accuracy score of 85.2%. In reality, the students had all received the exact same summary. - source

By 1937, Experts 'no longer used the term "genius" as an IQ classification...In 1939, David Wechsler specifically commented that "we are rather hesitant about calling a person a genius on the basis of a single intelligence test score".' - source

Extensive child poverty is the main reason America's children score poorly on international education measurements. When you measure the test scores of American schools with a child poverty rate of less than 20%, American children outperform every nation in the world.

A man's bid to become a police officer was rejected after he scored too high on an intelligence test. - source

When do ap test scores come out?

While hundreds of students get perfect SAT scores each year, no student has EVER gotten a perfect score on China's 9-hour equivalent, the Gaokao, a test taken by close to 10M people each year.

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18 firefighters sued New Haven, CT after they passed the management promotion test and the city declined to promote them. The city didn't promote them because none of the Black firefighters scored high enough. The Supreme Court ruled that New Haven had violated the firefighter's civil rights.

A 4th grade teacher, that was able to consistently bring higher than average test scores, was removed from her classroom by her peers because, as one faculty member put it, "our job is not to be optimal, but to be adequate".

Two students cheated on the LSAT by paying an accomplice to steal the exam in California before they took the test in Hawaii. Counting on the 2 hour time difference, the aide transmitted the correct answers through a pager. They were caught when officials realized their scores were too high

In order to meet the minimum scores for the Ranger physical fitness test, you have to complete 49 pushups and 59 sit-ups in less than two minutes, and then complete 6 chin-ups and run 5 miles under 40 minutes.

In 2013, over 30,000 high school students wrote "THIS IS SPARTA", a quote from the movie 300, in their AP test essays. The quote was crossed-out with a single line, making the graders unable to consider the words as a part of the submission and avoiding negative impact to their scores.

Test scores infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Test Scores numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

test scores fact infographic about Comparing test scores of students who attended my chess club

Comparing test scores of students who attended my chess club at a low SES school against scores of students who don't study chess at the same school.

When are ap test scores released?

In the 20th century, US state governments used low IQ test scores as an excuse to forcefully sterilize people deemed "feeble-minded"

National average IQ scores substantially increase as time progresses, and that IQ tests have to be constantly adjusted to fit smarter IQs.

Even Einstein failed Edison's job applicant test. "A score of 90% or better was needed to pass the test – and Edison scored the tests himself. Passing scores were labeled 'Class A' men; only 4-5% of all applicants measured up."

Someone who got an average score on an IQ test in 1949 would be considered "borderline impaired" on today's IQ tests

'hired test gun' Sam Eshaghoff was paid hundreds/thousands of dollars to take the SAT in place of fellow students to score amazing results. Sam took the SAT at least 16 times and was able to circumvent the security procedures flawlessly each time.

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A South Korean lady, named Cha Sa-soon, failed the driver's test 960 times before earning her license with a score of 60/100

The US is ranked 5th in spending on per Student (115.000$). despite this, the average US score in the PISA test is similar to the Slovak Republic, which only spends about half of the Money (53.000$).

When Terman first used the IQ test to select a sample of child geniuses, two pupils were rejected because their IQ scores were too low. They grew up to be Nobel Prize winners in physics. Not one of the qualified children received so high an honor as adults.

An elementary school replaced desks with "reading bicycles" and test scores skyrocketed.

Nazi Germany enacted scores of pioneering animal protection laws, which banned the inhumane treatment of pets and severely restricted animal testing for scientific research

Cincinnati Bengals punter Pat McInally was the only player to ever score a perfect 50 on the NFL's Wonderlic Cognitive Ability test. His score actually hurt his draft stock because it was believed that players who were intelligent would "challenge authority too much".

Researchers made a bunch of male college students do a falsified "manliness" test Those given low scores for "manliness" were found to lie and exaggerate about their athleticism, height and ability to use tools.

Monetarily rewarding people for performance on IQ tests increases their scores. $10 incentives increased test-takers' performance by roughly 20 IQ points, according to a study.

Blonde women who read blonde jokes before taking a test tend to score lower on tests, and that a person with a dry sense of humor are most likely an introvert.

A teacher at JHU would grade his papers by giving the top-scoring student an A, and the rest of the students would be graded relative to that. One year an entire class boycotted the test, so because the top score was zero, everyone received an A.

Music lessons have been found to increase IQ in children when compared to drama lessons or no lessons. Yet, children who take drama lessons score pre- to post-test improvements in adapative social behavior that are not evident in music groups whatsoever.

Researchers turned not to IQ tests, but to cognitive reaction time--the news is not good--"very, very robust trend with time, toward slowing speeds of reaction". What that suggests is that even as IQ scores rise with education and health, humanity's capacity to get smarter is shrinking.

Religious people generally score lower on intelligence tests than atheists

In 2006, private donors in Michigan established a self-sustaining program called The Kalamazoo Promise which guarantees up to 100% in-state college tuition scholarships to all students in the county public school system. Test scores, school attendance, and college enrollment are all up.

Aspiring police officers can get barred for scoring too high on an IQ test

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Test Scores. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Test Scores so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor