Iq Tests facts
While investigating facts about I Q Tests and Iq Tests Free, I found out little known, but curios details like:
At the Nuremburg trials, several Nazi leaders achieved genius-level scores on an IQ test
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Alfred Binet, original inventor of the IQ test, created the methodology to identify students who needed help, and deplored its use as a ranking for a unitary and linear intelligence.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what iq tests are accurate. Here are 45 of the best facts about Iq Tests Online and Iq Tests For Adults I managed to collect.
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Skateboard legend, Tony Hawk was tested to have an IQ of 144.
January Schofield, who knew the alphabet when she was 13 months old, spoke full sentences at a 1-1/2 years and was tested with a 146 IQ by the age of four. She was also suffering from hallucinations, incredibly violent and diagnosed with child-onset schizophrenia
By 1937, Experts 'no longer used the term "genius" as an IQ classification...In 1939, David Wechsler specifically commented that "we are rather hesitant about calling a person a genius on the basis of a single intelligence test score".'
The Rosenthal Effect: Telling a teacher a student is smart changes how the teacher interacts with the student - and in one study, raised childrens' IQ by 25 points in tests 9 months apart
Dogs outperform cats on most IQ tests and it's likely due to dog's being more social
IQ tests 'do not reflect intelligence', and are rarely accurate if given as a singular exam.
Christopher Langan, the "smartest man in the world" who broke the ceiling of the IQ scale when tested. He worked as a bouncer in Long Island for 20 years while developing his Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe about the relationship of reality and the mind
There are up to nine types of intelligences, and that an IQ test is not an efficient way of measuring how smart someone is, as it takes into consideration only two of them.
In the 20th century, US state governments used low IQ test scores as an excuse to forcefully sterilize people deemed "feeble-minded"
National average IQ scores substantially increase as time progresses, and that IQ tests have to be constantly adjusted to fit smarter IQs.
Iq Tests data charts
For your convenience take a look at Iq Tests figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why iq tests are flawed?
You can easily fact check why iq tests don't work by examining the linked well-known sources.
Someone who got an average score on an IQ test in 1949 would be considered "borderline impaired" on today's IQ tests
When Terman first used the IQ test to select a sample of child geniuses, two pupils were rejected because their IQ scores were too low. They grew up to be Nobel Prize winners in physics. Not one of the qualified children received so high an honor as adults. - source
Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, who led coalition forces in the Gulf War, was a member of Mensa (his IQ was tested at 168), sang, and conducted the West Point Chapel choir during his time at the academy. - source
Monetarily rewarding people for performance on IQ tests increases their scores. $10 incentives increased test-takers' performance by roughly 20 IQ points, according to a study.
Researchers turned not to IQ tests, but to cognitive reaction time--the news is not good--"very, very robust trend with time, toward slowing speeds of reaction". What that suggests is that even as IQ scores rise with education and health, humanity's capacity to get smarter is shrinking. - source
When were iq tests invented?
Music lessons have been found to increase IQ in children when compared to drama lessons or no lessons. Yet, children who take drama lessons score pre- to post-test improvements in adapative social behavior that are not evident in music groups whatsoever.
How iq tests are scored?
Aspiring police officers can get barred for scoring too high on an IQ test
A US-based psychologist, H.H. Goddard, saw the potential for Binet's test and set about creating a large pool study in order to create a set of standards for it. This work resulted in the creation of the Stanford-Binet IQ test, which is still in use today.
We can't rank species by intelligence: "Designing a species-blind IQ test for dogs and cats is just about impossible"
An 11-year-old British schoolboy scored higher than Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates, and Albert Einstein on an IQ test.
The current youngest member of Mensa is Adam Kirby from London, UK. He gained full membership at the age of Two years Five months, scoring 141 on the Stanford-Binet IQ test.