Sat Scores facts
While investigating facts about Super Bowl At Scores and Sat Scores 2019, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Tom Hanks is a big fan of community colleges. Since he had poor grades in high school and lousy SAT scores Hanks ended up at Chabot, a nearby community college, because it accepted everyone and was free.
how sat scores work?
An MIT professor found such a strong correlation between essay length and SAT score that "if you just graded them based on length without ever reading them, you'd be right over 90 percent of the time."
What sat scores are good?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what sat scores do colleges look for. Here are 45 of the best facts about Sat Scores Range and Sat Scores Release I managed to collect.
where to look at sat scores?
A Princeton University study concluded that African American college applicants get 230 points added to their SAT scores and Hispanics get 185, but Asians get penalized 50 points.
While hundreds of students get perfect SAT scores each year, no student has EVER gotten a perfect score on China's 9-hour equivalent, the Gaokao, a test taken by close to 10M people each year.
A university called 42 is free, doesn’t care about SAT scores and wants to educate 10,000 students within the next 5 years. When the French President visited the campus in Paris there were students sleeping on the floor in the hallway
People who prefer to listen to U2, Radiohead, and Beethoven tended to score the highest on their SATs. In contrast, their consistently lowest scoring counterparts preferred listening to Lil Wayne and Nickelback.
A series of studies dubbed the "Stanford Marshmallow Experiment" offered children a choice of 1 small reward immediately or 2 small rewards later. They found that children who were able to wait longer for the rewards tended to have better life outcomes, as measured by SAT scores and BMIs.
Each year, there are more than 35,000 low-income high school seniors that score in the 90th percentile on the ACT or SAT but never make it to college.
A Princeton University study concluded that Asians get penalized 50 points from their SAT scores but Hispanics gain a 185 score bonus and African Americans gain a 230 score bonus.
'hired test gun' Sam Eshaghoff was paid hundreds/thousands of dollars to take the SAT in place of fellow students to score amazing results. Sam took the SAT at least 16 times and was able to circumvent the security procedures flawlessly each time.
Princeton University did a study that showed African American college applicants got 230 points added to their SAT scored, and hispanics 185 but Asians penalized 50 points
Sat Scores data charts
For your convenience take a look at Sat Scores figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why sat scores are delayed?
You can easily fact check why are my sat scores pending by examining the linked well-known sources.
Huey Lewis skipped second grade, got a perfect score on the math portion of the SAT, and got into Cornell
To get into the top schools, Asian-Americans need SAT scores that are about 140 points higher than those of their white peers. - source
Hypothetically, two people with the same SAT score, one of whom applied (just APPLIED) to an Ivy League and one of whom was accepted into and attended one, would have, in the end, the same average income. - source
Harvard student Adam B. Wheeler fabricated SAT scores, letters of recommendation, and transcripts and received $40,000 in grants - source
When sat scores come out?
James Woods, the actor, has an IQ of 184 and he scored 1579 on his SAT's (out of 1600, pre-'95). This makes him smarter than most geniuses, since genius starts at 140.
How sat scores are calculated?
Christopher Langan scored a perfect SAT score despite taking a nap in the middle of the exam
Will Smith likely got near-perfect SAT scores and "probably could have gotten in (MIT)" but he "had no intention of going to college"
From the Class of 2013, only 43% of SAT test takers met the CollegeBoard's benchmark of scoring a 1550 or higher
Princeton University admitted Joseph David Oznot in 1964. From Michigan, he was a top student and concert pianist, had scored highly on the SAT, and had interviewed well. Oznot, however, did not exist.
Sat scores infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Sat Scores numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Correlation of SAT score to various school characteristics (NYC public schools)