Graduation Rate facts
While investigating facts about Graduation Rates By State and Graduation Rates By Race, I found out little known, but curios details like:
When a millionaire gave everyone in a Florida neighborhood free daycare and free college scholarships, the crime rate was cut in half and the graduation rate jumped from 25% to 100%. He did this after being fired from Walt Disney World because his bosses didn't think he could be a 'company man'
how graduation rates are calculated?
After a millionaire gave everyone in a Florida neighborhood free college scholarships and free daycare, crime rate was cut in half and high school graduation rate increased from 25% to 100%.
What does graduation rate mean?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what college has the highest graduation rate. Here are 41 of the best facts about Graduation Rates By College and Graduation Rate Harvard I managed to collect.
what graduation rate is good?
Millionaire Harris Rosen adopted an urban neighborhood in Florida, giving all families daycare, boosting the graduation rate by 75%, and cutting the crime rate in half
America ranks #14 (behind Russia at #13) in reading, math, science, literacy and graduation rates.
Nunavut has the lowest graduation rate in Canada and a student from Qikiqtarjuaq became the first high schooler to graduate in four years in 2016
Self-made millionaire Harris Rosen adopted a Florida neighborhood called Tangelo Park, cut the crime rate in half, and increased the high school graudation rate from 25% to 100% by giving everyone free daycare and all high school graduates scholarships
For $170 per person per year, a hotel mogul turned around a rough Orlando neighborhood - cutting crime in half, multiplying property values and raising the high school graduation rate from 25% to nearly 100% by offering to pay full tuition for anyone who graduated and wanted to attend college.
Canadians graduate with more student debt than Americans on average, despite far lower tuition rates
Patients of doctors who graduated from international medical schools had significantly lower mortality rates than patients cared for by doctors who graduated from U.S. medical schools
The University of Phoenix campus in Detroit has a record low 10% graduation rate.
Pat Summit, former University of Tennessee Women's Basketball Coach, had a student-athlete graduation rate of 100%. She coached for 38 years and is credited by many for helping put Women's basketball on the map.
that U.S. higher education produces far more science and engineering graduates annually than there are job openings... high unemployment rates prevail for recent graduates even in fields with alleged serious “shortages” such as information systems (11.7 percent).
Graduation Rate data charts
For your convenience take a look at Graduation Rate figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why graduation rate is important?
You can easily fact check why is elementary school success an indicator of graduation rates by examining the linked well-known sources.
Zimbabwe has the highest literacy rate in Africa with 92%. Zimbabwean graduates are well sought after throughout the world
Harris Rosen, a man that helped Disney launch The Contemporary and The Polynesian hotels was fired right after the projects because he wasn't a "company man." He went on to create a scholarship fund for his city with 11MM of his own funds. Crime rates have plummeted and graduation rates soared. - source
Despite a shortage of first rate laboratories and libraries, during the 1930's and 1940's CCNY graduated eight future Nobel Prize winners and more PhD recipients than other university except the University of California, Berkeley.
That, contrary to popular belief, when a Florida millionaire gave everyone a free college education at "Dr. Philips High School", graduate rates went up 88% --not 100% -- which is only 2% higher than the average high school graduate rate in Indiana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, and Tennessee.
Only 86 Freshmen enrolled at Chicago State University in fall 2016. Chicago State has suffered numerous difficulties in recent years, including an 11 percent graduation rate and laid off 40 percent of its staff - source
At the graduation ceremony auggie was surprised when?
Finland has no homework. Their high schools have a 93% graduation rate and about 2/3 of the students will go on to college.
How to increase graduation rates in high school?
Texas led U.S. in black, Hispanic 2013 graduation rates
The USAF Special Forces, Pararescue, have some of the hardest training in the US military with the indoctrination course (9 weeks) having a dropout/failure rate of 80% or more with some classes graduating with one or zero members.
For-profit Phoenix University has a 31 percent overall graduation rate, but a first-time-student graduation rate of only 12 percent.
After a millionaire gave everyone in a Florida neighborhood free college scholarships and free daycare, crime was cut in half and his local high school graduation rate increased from 25% to 99%.
Texas has the lowest high school graduation rate. It's also the only state to be below 80%.