Body Temperature facts
While investigating facts about Body Temperature Chart and Body Temperature Range, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Siamese cats are temperature sensitive albinos which cause cooler body parts to be darker and warmer parts to be lighter. As they get older, their body temperature decreases and overall color darkens.
how body temperature is regulated?
Polar swimmer Lewis Pugh is able to raise his core body temperature from 98.6 to 102F just before diving into freezing water; researchers have called it 'anticipatory thermogenesis'.
What body temperature is too high?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what body temperature is considered a fever. Here are 50 of the best facts about Body Temperature 35 and Body Temperature App I managed to collect.
what body temperature is too low?
About bog bodies. A bog body is a human cadaver that has been naturally preserved in a bog wetland. This is due to the acidic, low temperature, and low oxygen environment. They often retain their skin and internal organs. They are basically a pickled human.
Bacteria will feed on a decaying body underwater and create gas, which causes the body to float to the surface. However, Lake Superior's cold temperatures inhibit bacterial growth and the bodies tend to sink and never resurfaced.
The Hindu god Shiva has long been linked to cannabis. Shiva came and drank the poison created by the cosmic ocean, but over time it made him so hot he needed to be cooled down. Marijuana is supposed to be a coolant – so it is said that Shiva smokes weed to keep his body temperature down.
Warming temperatures are making WWI military sites high up in the Alps accessible again, revealing relics and bodies from the "White War."
Hippo sweat has a reddish-orange coloration that acts as a natural sunblock. The sticky substance also helps regulate the hippo’s body temperature and discourages bacterial infection.
NASA has discovered stars with temperatures lower than the human body. The star 'WISE 1828+2650' is less than 80 degrees Fahrenheit (25 Celsius).
Penguins need their feet to be bare despite walking on ice. Their bodies are so well insulated that they need the freezing cold to help regulate their body temperature and keep it from overheating.
Above 19,200m (63,100ft) above sea level, the body hits the Armstrong limit. At this point you'll suffocate to death no matter how much air you inhale because the liquid wetting your lungs to let you breathe will boil away at body temperature, and is a major reason for pressurised suits.
The "ashes" you get after cremation is crushed bone, as the rest of the body (organic matter) vaporizes at the high temperatures.
Body Temperature data charts
For your convenience take a look at Body Temperature figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why body temperature increases?
You can easily fact check why body temperature is high by examining the linked well-known sources.
Siamese cats get their color points due to a temperature sensitive gene. The colder the body part the darker the fur will become in that area.
Despite common misconception, ice worms are a real species that tunnel through glaciers. If their body temperature exceeds 5 degrees celsius they melt. - source
There are "heater bees" who keep their body temperatures 10 degrees hotter than other bees in the colony to keep the hive warm. They also can vary the temperature around developing pupae to determine what kind of honey bee they will become: either forager bees or "house keeper" bees. - source
The reason that men’s testicles are not internal organs like female ovaries is because sperm cannot survive at our internal body temperature. They require a lower temperature which is why they hang down, but also why the scrotum shrivels up when it is too cold.
That, despite their reputation, it is actually EXTREMELY RARE for an opossum to have rabies because their body temperature is too low for rabies to survive and replicate well. - source
When body temperature is too high which of the following occurs?
The Yaghan people adapted to their very cold climate by having significantly higher metabolisms than other humans (average body temperatures 1 degree warmer than Europeans). They routinely went bare naked in the frigid cold of the far southern region of Tierra del Fuego.
How body temperature increases?
A 20 year old committed suicide and froze to death from hypothermia, with a body temperature dropping as low as 19C. He was subsequently revived several hours later after an hour and a half of CPR and various complex operations. He survived and has since recovered with no major disabilities.
It's not hard alcohol itself that's burning your throat. Instead, the ethanol in the liquid is making your throat's VR1 heat receptors more sensitive, prompting them to perceive your own body temperature as hot.
It is very rare for an opossum to contract rabies due to their low body temperature
The reason rubbing alcohol burns when you put it on cuts is because exposed nerve cells in the cut that normally detect hot temperatures have their pain threshold lowered by alcohol - which causes our body temperature to cause a burning sensation.
Two of the world's largest rivers, the Amazon and the Rio Negro, meet but do not mix and are visually distinct but occupy the same body of water. This is due to the rivers' different speeds and temperatures.