Success Rate facts
While investigating facts about Success Rate Of Ivf and Success Rate Of Iui, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Marvel successfully argued in court that Mutants are not people and thus got to pay the lower rate on X-Men "toys" instead of the higher rate for dolls because they are not human.
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There was a study where men and women asked people on campus whether they would like to sleep with them. The women had a 75% success rate, the men had 0%
What is the success rate of ivf?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the success rate of immunotherapy. Here are 50 of the best facts about Success Rate Of Clomid and Success Rate Of Chemotherapy I managed to collect.
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The Ring Finders is a worldwide organization of metal-detection enthusiasts who recover lost items at little to no cost. Members have about an 80% success rate at finding last keys, rings, cellphones, time capsules, burial urns and more.
NBC renewed 'The Office' for a second season, despite mediocre ratings for the first season, because they anticipated Steve Carell's film, 'The 40-Year-Old Virgin', would make it a ratings success - which it did.
Beehive fences, which are used to deter elephants by taking advantage of their natural fear of bees, and have reduced conflicts between humans and elephants with an 85% success rate.
A drug exists that has been shown to prevent HIV infection at a 92% success rate for gay men and a 70% success rate for intravenous drug users, but less than 1% of at-risk people currently take the drug and only 1/3 of primary care doctors have even heard of it.
The FDA approved a medication that prevent HIV/AIDS in 2012... that has a 92% success rate.
Adult adoption rates in Japan are high so that companies can carry on a particular family name, even if the next generation isn't up to the task of running a successful business.
The Coast Guard trained pigeons to assist in finding people lost at sea. They sat in a dome attached to a helicopter, pressing a lever after spotting life preservers or debris. They had a 90% success rate in initial trials.
A mathematical equation that can accurately determine whether a married couple will divorce with a 90% success rate is almost completely identical to one that can accurately describe the relationship between countries and whether they will go to war at a very similar rate.
NBA Jam was rigged against the Bulls. A hidden piece of code lowered Scottie Pippen's ratings when he played Detroit, and the Bulls last second shots had a lower success rating. The programmers were Pistons fans.
13 years ago Portugal decriminalized the usage of drugs. This legalization has been proven a success, increasing the number of people seeking drug abuse support and lowering the rate of HIV spread through drug usage.
Success Rate data charts
For your convenience take a look at Success Rate figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about success rate?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Operation Popeye was the first example of weather warfare. During the Vietnam War, aircraft would "seed" clouds, causing them to precipitate with an 82% success rate. The operational slogan was, "Make mud, not war."
Male birth control is currently being tested on Baboons with a 100% success rate and will be available to the public within 1 - 2 years. - source
Gambling is an effective treatment for cocaine addiction and has a higher success rate than 28-day-rehab clinics an 12-step meetings. - source
The US Coast Guard trained pigeons to do search and rescue missions. Although initial tests showed the pigeons had 93% success rate (compared to the 38% human success rate), the program was scrapped due to budget cuts.
About The Delancey Street Foundation a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco that provides residential rehabilitation services and vocational training for substance abusers and convicted criminals. You earn your GED and are taught 3 marketable skills. It has a 90% success rate - source
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South Park's debut in 1997 was such a ratings success that it made Comedy Central one of the fastest-growing cable channels in the US at that time. The number of households that had Comedy Central jumped from 9.1 million in 1997 to 50 million in 1998.
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The success rate for CPR is nowhere near as high as it is portrayed on TV. In some cities it can be as low as 5%.
While working at a railway, Richard Sears' station received a shipment of gold watches but the jeweler refused the shipment. Sears got the watches at a reduced rate (a common scam) and sold them to his coworkers who needed to keep accurate time. The success lead to his first mail-order catalog.
There are 18 paths up Mt Everest that have resulted in successful summit attempts. Two of them have fatality rates >50%.
Amish businesses have a 95% success rate at staying open at least five years
Breeding Hummingbirds cluster around Hawks' nests, and that Hummingbirds who breed closer to Hawks have a higher success rate than those who don't because the Hawks protect the Hummingbird from animals which prey on the Hummers' eggs.
Success rate infographics
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