Square Kilometers facts
While investigating facts about Square Kilometers To Square Miles and Square Kilometers To Acres, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The most densely populated area to ever exist on earth was a largely self-governed, crime-infested block in Hong Kong. Called Kowloon Walled City, it had a population density of 1,255,000 people per square kilometer
how square kilometers in a square mile?
Because because Vatican City is only 0.44 square kilometers, and is home to one pope, they have a Pope density of 2.27 Popes per square kilometer.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the area of australia in square kilometers. Here are 50 of the best facts about Square Kilometers To Hectares and Square Kilometers To Square Meters I managed to collect.
what's square kilometers?
China has planted over 500 thousand square kilometers of forest since 1978 to combat the expansion of the Gobi Desert making it the largest forest plantation in the world. It’s expected to reach 4,500 km by 2050
Japan has a desert that is approximately 30 square kilometers and attracts up to 2 million visitors annually
Dutch province of Flevoland is entirely man made. It's 1,419 square kilometers (548 sq mi) in size, almost a 30th of the country's total size.
The Trümmerfraue (Rubble Women): The women that helped rebuild Germany after WWII by clearing 400,000,000 cubic meters (16 square kilometers) of debris, tearing down structures too damaged to rebuild and collecting and cleaning bricks.
Margays are solitary creatures. Their territory may range from 15 to 43 square kilometers.
The Ozone Hole Has Shrunken by 4 Million Square Kilometers Since 2000
China is the second largest country in the world (by land), with 9.6 million square kilometers.
In order to be called a glacier the mass must be at least .1 square kilometer in size. This is equivalent to almost 19 football fields, which is almost 25 acres in size.
Between 2004 and 2007 a 60 square kilometer sanctuary was established in Gorongosa National Park by the Carr Foundation and the Government of Mozambique, which made it possible to reintroduce wildebeests and buffalo into the park's wildlife population.
The Arctic Desert is the second largest desert in the world and covers an area of 13,900,000 square kilometers.
Square Kilometers data charts
For your convenience take a look at Square Kilometers figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why pound per square inch?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
When German troops were only 50 kilometers away from Moscow, Stalin ordered the traditional revolution day parade to be held to boost morale. The troops who marched down Red Square on parade would continue directly to the front line of the ongoing battle.
The “Dead Zone” in the Gulf of Mexico, where nothing can live, measures more than 22,720 square kilometers (8,776 square miles).Bigger than New Jersey and growing. - source
Statistically, due to it's size, Vatican City has 2.27 Popes per Square Kilometer - source
Komodo Island covers an area of 390 square kilometers. It is 15km wide and 30km long.
Prior to being designated a national park, Phong Nha-ke Bang National Park was a nature reserve called the Phong Nha Nature Reserve. It was only 50 square kilometers when it was established in 1986.
What is the area of a square when the side length is 6 inches?
The Himalayas cover 0.4% of the earth's area, at 612,021 square kilometers of earth's 153,295,000 square kilometers.
How big is 2600 square kilometers?
Lightning isn't distributed evenly around the world. A village in the Republic of the Congo experiences the most lightning activity annually, averaging 158 strikes per square kilometer per year.
Venezuela has the world's lightning capital in Lake Maracaibo which has nearly 300 nightly thunderstorms in a year. NASA recorded an average rate of 233 lightning flashes per square kilometer per year over the lake.
Weddell Sea covers an area of approximately 2.8 million square kilometers.
In 2012 a 3,300 square kilometer buffer zone was established by the Government of Mozambique surrounding the park.
An Australian family owns 45000 square kilometers of land, more than Switzerland.