Football Fields facts
While investigating facts about Football Fields Near Me and Football Fields Crossword, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In WWII, weather reports were censored to prevent enemy submarines from learning about conditions. A football game in Chicago was so covered in fog that the radio announcer couldn't see the field, but afterwards he was officially thanked for never using the word "fog" or mentioning the weather.
how football fields are made?
The world's largest cannabis grow-op is Canada's Aurora Sky near Edmonton, Alberta. The 800,000 sq. ft. greenhouse is the size of 14 football fields and produces 8,000 kg (17,363 lbs) of marijuana (roughly 12 million joints) per month.
What football fields are heated?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what football fields are turf. Here are 50 of the best facts about Football Fields For Rent Near Me and Football Fields Crossword Clue I managed to collect.
what football fields have real grass?
The NFL uses tracking chips embedded in players shoulder pads to record a players every move on the field. They are also located inside footballs to track: velocity, rotation ,ball speed and location.
In 1934, Gerald Ford threatened to not play for the Michigan football team because the school would not let his teammate Willis Ward, who was black, play against Georgia Tech, which refused to share the field with a black player. Ward talked Ford out of it and Michigan won.
In 1962, Johnny Carson found out his wife had a secret apartment. He broke into the place with a gun and found football player Frank Gifford's framed photos. Getting sad, he drank all night and joked "That guy plays three positions on the field. I could never get Joanne to go for more than two."
In former US President Gerald Ford's senior year as a football player at the University of Michigan, when Georgia Tech refused to play if a black player named Willis Ward (and Ford's best friend on the team) took the field, Ford threatened to quit the team in response
Before the start of the football season, an MIT student trained pigeons near the Harvard football stadium to respond to whistles as a prank. When the whistle was blown to begin the Harvard-Yale opening game, the field was overrun by the birds.
Many records in track and field including the long jump and high jump are unlikely to be broken due to modern athletes gravitating towards higher money sports such as sprinting or football.
There's a 5000 year old undergorund city in Turkey the size of 16 football fields
Puff the Magic Dragon" was a warplane in Vietnam. It could put a bullet in every square yard of a football field in under ten seconds
In 1934, Georgia Tech's football team refused to play against Michigan if a black player named Willis Ward took the field. One of Ward's friends and fellow players was then-future president Gerald Ford, who threatened to quit if Ward was benched.
About one of the rarest plays in (American) football: The "Fair Catch Kick". After a team calls a fair catch, they can opt to attempt a free kick from the spot of the catch to try for a field goal. Adapted from Rugby, only 24 recorded regular game attempts with 6 successes.
Football Fields data charts
For your convenience take a look at Football Fields figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why do football fields run north and south?
You can easily fact check why are football fields oriented north and south by examining the linked well-known sources.
A die hard football fan ran onto the field during a game and was sentenced to serve his jail time during the Super Bowl. He was also ordered not to watch or listen to the game.
Scientists can get four football fields' worth of skin (for burn victims) from a single baby's foreskin. - source
Louisiana loses a football field of land every hour to the ocean - source
With a population of under 1000, Vatican City has a national football team consisting entirely from employees of the Vatican. In 2011 they faced Palestine where they fielded an entire squad of Catholic priests, Palestine beat them 9-1.
Silbury Hill, a man-made structure almost as old as the Great Pyramid, but built in Britain, covers an enormous area equal to more than four football fields. But historians are still not sure about its purpose. - source
When were english clubs banned from european football?
The Mythbusters once managed to fold a "football field" sized piece of paper 11 times, busting the myth that you can't fold a piece of paper more than 7 times.
How football fields are painted?
When driving at 55 mph, the average text takes your eyes off the road long enough to cover a football field.
The International Space station is the size of a football field and can be spotted by night, as it is the third brightest object in the sky and orbits around the world every 92 minutes.
Early in American football, one coach had football-shaped leather patches sewn onto his team's jerseys creating the illusion of a field full of ball carriers. When this trick was tried against Harvard, they countered by painting all the balls crimson, making them invisible against their jerseys
In 2012, Walmart abandoned one of its buildings in McAllen, Texas. As a result, it was built into a 124,500 square feet library. It is the largest single-story library in the U.S., at a size equal to about 2.5 football fields.
In 1998, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, lightning struck in the field during a football (soccer) match. 11 people died, all of the same team. The players from the other team were left unharmed. The whole thing even led to accusations of cursing and witchcraft.