Square Meter facts
While investigating facts about Square Meters To Square Feet and Square Meter Calculator, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A fundamental limit exists on the amount of information that can be stored in a given space: about 10^69 bits per square meter. Regardless of technological advancement, any attempt to condense information further will cause the storage medium to collapse into a black hole.
how square meters in an acre?
A German graffiti artist painted a 250 square meter bridge to make it look like it was made out of Lego.
What square meters measure?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is 100 square meters. Here are 50 of the best facts about Square Meters To Acres and Square Meters To Hectares I managed to collect.
what square meter means?
"Doctors can use the foreskins of circumcised infants to grow skin for burn victims. Just one foreskin can create 23,000 square meters of skin"
The largest cashew tree in the world was planted by a fisherman in Brazil, genetic anomalies made the branches grow sideways, it now spans 7500 square meters and financially supports upwards of 1500 people.
There is a tree in India whose canopy covers 3.7 acres (14,5000 square meters) in area making it the widest tree in the world.
The Pascha is a 12 story 9,000 square meter brothel in Cologne, Germany. With about 120 prostitutes, over 80 employees and up to 1000 customers per day, it is the largest brothel in Europe
The Iran Mall is the world's largest shopping mall. It features a fashion avenue, a diamond and crystal atrium, three food courts with more than 200 restaurants, and a 3,300 square meter book garden with 67,000 volumes of books
1 gram of activated charcoal has approximately 1,000 square meters of surface area.
A company called What3Words created a grid of 54 trillion 3x3 meter squares given a 3 word address designation covering the globe. It's used as a work around for parts of the world with tricky or no addresses and can be used to specify which door in a building a package should be sent to.
Because Amsterdam’s soil consists of a thick layer of fen and clay, all buildings are built on wooden poles that are fixed in a sandy layer that is 11 meters deep on average. The Royal Palace at Dam Square is built on no less than 13,659 wooden poles.
The cosmetics company L'Oreal grows approximately five square meters of human skin per year (derma farming) to be used for pharmaceutical and cosmetic testing.
Highly porous charcoals, used to filter water, have a surface area of 300-2,000 square meters per gram
Square Meter data charts
For your convenience take a look at Square Meter figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why candela per square meter?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Mongolia’s postal service adopted a system that uses a 3 word address instead of a street address. The system maps the world into patches of 9 square meters and assigns each one a unique 3 word address that helps postal workers deliver mail in the city or remote places more efficiently.
One liter of gasoline can deliver 35 megajoule of energy. This is the amount of energy one square meter of land receives from the sun, in the best conditions, in approximately ten hours. - source
The Trümmerfraue (Rubble Women): The women that helped rebuild Germany after WWII by clearing 400,000,000 cubic meters (16 square kilometers) of debris, tearing down structures too damaged to rebuild and collecting and cleaning bricks. - source
The group APOPO has trained the giant African pouched rat to search for landmines in Tanzania, Mozambique, Angola, and in Cambodia. Since 1997 the rats have been able to help clear over 13,000 landmines saving countless lives, and giving back several square meters of land back to the people.
There is an island off the coast of Brazil called Snake Island, filled with between one and five venomous snakes per square meter. The species of snake that inhabit the island are a type of pit viper with a flesh melting venom. - source
When was the tiananmen square massacre?
Scotch broom can produce up to 10.000 seed per season. Scotch broom often grows in colonies. One square meter of dense thicket contains around 65.000 seed.
How square meters work?
Fertile soil can contain up to 432 earthworms per square meter.
Herds of nilgai live on the territory that can be 1.7 square meters wide. Both male and female animals use urine to mark their territory. They also defecate on a single place, creating a pile of dung that can be 9.8 feet in diameter.
Sand dollars often gather in large groups. One square meter of sand can be covered with more than 625 sand dollars.
About Ilha da Queimada Grande, one of the deadliest islands in the world. Located off the coast of Brazil, it's so densely populated by snakes that someone estimates there's one snake per square meter.
Horn shark spends its entire life on a territory of 1000 square meters. It migrates in deeper water during the winter, but it never travels more than 10 miles (the longest recorded distance traveled by horn shark).