Square Miles facts
While investigating facts about Square Miles To Acres and Square Miles To Square Kilometers, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The bishop of Orlando is also bishop of the moon, due to a canon law that says "any newly discovered territory would fall under the bishopric from whence the discovering expedition departed." His is therefore the largest Catholic diocese, at over 14,000,000 square miles.
how square miles in an acre?
In 1913, Hitler, Freud, Tito, Stalin, and Trotsky all lived within 2 square miles of each other in Vienna
What is square miles?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the square miles of texas. Here are 50 of the best facts about Square Miles To Square Feet and Square Miles To Square Km I managed to collect.
what are the largest states by square miles?
Gold is an inert noble metal as it does not react with other elements. It is the most malleable and ductile of all known metals. An ounce of gold can be beaten into a sheet measuring 300 square feet or stretched into a gold thread 5 miles long.
There are 4 million square miles of fertile land in Africa that can't be cultivated because tsetse flies keep killing farm animals
For nearly a century, the French have prohibited entry into an area of more than 460 square miles because there is an almost impossible amount of ammunition and dead bodies to recover from the battlefield's of World War One. The area is called "Zone Rouge", and much of it is still off limits
A Woman in Oregon started a wildfire to give some work to her bored firefighter friends. Eventually, the fire, named as the Sunnyside Turnoff wildfire, spread to about 80 square miles β 51,000 acres β costing nearly $8 million to fight and took two months to bring under complete control.
New Jersey is home to more scientists and engineers per square mile than anywhere else in the world
There is a mushroom in Oregon that is roughly 2,400 years old, and has a root system that covers over three square miles of land.
During Tokyo's property bubble the grounds of the Imperial Palace (1.32 square miles) were valued higher than the entirety of the real estate in California
A solar power plant in the Mohave Desert uses five square miles of mirrors to concentrate sunbeams on one central tower. It also incinerates about 6,000 birds a year.
Anchorage, Alaska covers nearly 2,000 square miles, making it about the size of the state of Delaware.
The largest living organism is a fungus that covers 3.7 square miles in Oregon's Blue Mountains. The fungus, armillaria ostoyae, could be as old as 8650 years.
Square Miles data charts
For your convenience take a look at Square Miles figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is the square mile?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
That, at 63,800,000 square miles, the Pacific Ocean is larger than all of Earth's land area combined.
In the Bible, The New Testament mentions that from Heaven will descend an enormous city named New Jerusalem made of "pure gold, like clear glass" and gives its specific dimensions, 1.9 million square miles. If rested on the Earth, its ceiling would be inside the exosphere. - source
Johnny Cash nearly destroyed an entire species. When Johnny Cash's truck overheated and went up in flames, he decided to step aside instead of call for help. As a result, a square mile of the forest was burned and 50% of the California Condors bird species were killed. He was fined $82,000 - source
Palau announced it would create the world's first shark sanctuary banning commercial shark fishing. The sanctuary protects about 230,000 square miles of ocean. Palau received the Future Policy Award from World Future Council, because "Palau is a global leader in protecting marine ecosystems.β
In 1875 a swarm of 12.5 trillion locusts covering 198,000 square miles and weighing 27.5 million tons descended upon the Great Plains, devouring all plant life in their path. Farmers that tied to shoo them away had the clothes eaten right off their bodies. - source
When was the tiananmen square massacre?
People who believe they suffer from Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) have relocated to a 13,000 square mile US Radio Quiet Zone where wireless is banned to prevent interference with radio telescopes.
How square miles is florida?
Walt Disney World is 40 square miles, making it the same size as San Francisco and 2x the size of Manhattan.
In 1913, Hitler, Freud, Tito, Stalin, and Trotsky all lived within 2 square miles of each other in Vienna
Lake Okeechobee, despite being Florida's largest freshwater lake and covering an area of 730 square miles, has an average depth of just 9 feet.
Buffalo Commons is a conceptual proposal to create a vast nature preserve by returning 139,000 square miles of the Great Plains to native prairie, and by reintroducing the American bison.
New Jersey has more scientists and engineers per square mile than anywhere in the world
Square miles infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Square Miles numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Meteorites Per 100,000 Square Miles In Each State, made in GIMP