Surface Area facts
While investigating facts about Surface Area Of A Cylinder and Surface Area Of A Cone, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The surface area of Minecraft's overworld (on the PC version) is approximately 9,258,235 times larger than that of the earth.
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Russia's area is larger than the total surface area of Pluto
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what surface area of a triangular prism. Here are 50 of the best facts about Surface Area Calculator and Surface Area Of A Rectangular Prism I managed to collect.
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The world's largest moving object, the Bagger 288 Superexcavator, leaves virtually no tracks, even over grass. The sheer surface area of the tracks makes its ground pressure less than a barefoot person.
Lake Baikal has a surface area slightly larger that the state of Maryland, yet it's depth and volume is so great it could cover the moon is 2 feet of water.
The largest volcano on Earth is named Tamu Massif. Located at the bottom of the Pacific ocean it has a surface area the same as New Mexico making it one of the largest volcanoes in the Solar System.
The combined surface area of the Great Lakes is roughly equal to the size of the United Kingdom, and the lakes contain approximately 35,000 islands.
Helsinki is expanding below the surface. Incised into the city's bedrock are a swimming pool, a shopping area, a church, and a hockey rink. Just to name a few facilities besides 40 miles of tunnels for heating and "parking caverns". They plan to built 400 buildings until 2020.
1 gram of activated charcoal has approximately 1,000 square meters of surface area.
Archimedes of Syracuse discovered the volume and surface area of a sphere 1800 years before calculus was invented by Newton. He also estimated the value of pi to be 3.14185- that's over 99.9% accurate.
Highly porous charcoals, used to filter water, have a surface area of 300-2,000 square meters per gram
The first area-accurate world map was created in 1999 when Japanese architect Hajime Narukawa invented the Authagraph Projection, which divides a spherical surface into 96 triangles, transfers them to a tetrahedron while maintaining area proportions, and unfolds into a rectangle.
The palm of a hand accounts for about .5% of the body's total surface area. This is true independent of age and race. Doctors use this "shorthand" to determine what % body is burned.
Surface Area data charts
For your convenience take a look at Surface Area figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why surface area to volume ratio is important?
You can easily fact check why surface area of sphere by examining the linked well-known sources.
The Manicouagan Reservoir, a 60 mile diameter lake in Northern Quebec created by a meteorite impact. The island in the center has a larger surface area than the lake itself, and it has been hypothesized that it was one of at least five impacts in a single event 200 million years ago
Russia is larger than Pluto by surface area - source
Greenland isn’t even one of the top 10 largest countries by area. It just looks huge because it’s near the North Pole and gets visually stretched out when mapped on a flat surface. - source
The oldest perfume factory in the world was unearthed in Cyprus in 2004-05. It dated back to the Bronze Age, around four thousand years ago, and it covered an estimated surface area of over 4,000m², indicating that their perfume manufacturing was on an industrial scale.
Great Dane belongs to the group of moderate shedders, but due to large surface area of fur it requires daily grooming to reduce amount of hairs in the apartments.
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African tree toad has elongated, thin toes with large, sticky discs on the tips. Toes are widely separated to facilitate gripping of large surface area and climbing on the trees
How surface area formula?
The surface water's counter-clockwise pattern circulation helps to flush the area with nutrient-rich ocean water, contributing to the healthy marine environment and fish population.
Menhaden swim near the surface of the water almost entire year (except during the winter). They prefer areas with water temperature of 18 degrees of Celsius.
The Arctic region covers roughly one-sixth of the planet's total surface area.
Activated charcoal is so porous, just one gram has a surface area of over 5,400 square feet.
There is a natural underground spring in the park. The water from the spring takes 1,000 years to make its way through the rock surfaces and can be seen by visitors to the area.