Presidential Debate facts
While investigating facts about Presidential Debate Schedule and Presidential Debate Tonight, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The League of Women Voters used to run presidential debates that gave every nominee a equal amount of time to speak, Republicans and Democrats joined together to make the Commission for Presidential Debates, making it harder for third parties to be fairly represented
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The organization that runs U.S . presidential debates is independent of the government and owned by the Republican and Democratic Parties. It has been criticized for negotiating secret contracts between candidates, excluding third parties, and "perpetrating a fraud on the American voter."
What's presidential debate?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what time is the presidential debate. Here are 38 of the best facts about Presidential Debate 2020 and Presidential Debate 2019 I managed to collect.
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The first broadcast presidential debate in the US was the Republican candidates' debate in 1948. There was only one question, and each candidate had 20 minutes to answer it, then 8 1/2 minutes each to rebut the other's.
President Jimmy Carter's debate prep notes were obtained by the Reagan campaign leading up to the 1980 presidential debate and was later investigated by the FBI and Congress.
The League of Women Voters(LWV) used to manage the United States presidential debates, but withdrew since 1988 because they wouldn't help the two organizations "perpetrate a fraud on the American voter"
The League of Women's voters stopped supporting the presidential debates in 1988 because they felt the debate format would "perpetrate a fraud on the American voter"
Third party candidates must get approval by the Commission on Presidential Debates, which was created and controlled by both the Democratic and Republican party.
In a vice-presidential debate with Lloyd Bentsen, Dan Quayle compared himself to JFK. Bentsen responded with, "Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy."
In 1988 The League of Women Voters withdrew their sponsorship of the US Presidential Debates because they refused "to lend their name to this charade".
Presidential Debate data charts
For your convenience take a look at Presidential Debate figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why was the 1960 presidential debate significant?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
The 1960 first televised US presidential debate changed the way politicians planned their campaigns and brought in a new era of campaigning
Gerald Ford was the first incumbent to participate in a televised presidential debate, setting a precedent that compelled all future incumbents to do the same. - source
The Commission on Presidential Debates is co-owned by the Republican and Democratic Parties, hence the lack of third-party candidates in major presidential debates. - source
There Were 14 Democratic Presidential Debates by This Time For the 2008 Presidential Race. This election cycle, there has been just 1 democratic debate so far.
There was a 2012 presidential 3rd party debate moderated by Larry King, and hosted by a state-sponsored television network - source
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After the first televised presidential debate in 1960 between JFK and Nixon; reporter Joe Alsop wrote: " Nixon looks like a suspect in a statutory rape case," in response to Nixon's nervous appearance.
How many presidential debates are there?
The 2016 American Presidential debates are....well.....
Republicans were actually sane at one point. Houston, 1980, Presidential Debate.
Reagan's famous line "there you go again" was said in the presidential debate against Carter in which he was opposing universal healthcare
Donald Trump says to include third parties in the presidential debates (2000).
They let you bring sunflower seeds on stage at the presidential debate ???