Presidential Candidate facts
While investigating facts about Presidential Candidates and Presidential Candidates 2020, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Texas billionaire and former Presidential candidate Ross Perot wrote a blank cheque to fund and save the 500-year old Treaty Oak in Austin Texas which was poisoned by a vandal
how presidential candidates are chosen?
The slogan "Make your wet dreams come true" was used by 1928 presidential candidate Al Smith in reference to repealing prohibition.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what presidential candidate is in the lead. Here are 50 of the best facts about Presidential Candidates 2020 Polls and Presidential Candidate Ross Perot I managed to collect.
what presidential candidates are left?
Originally (up until 1804) electors could cast two votes for two different U.S. candidates for President, and the first runner-up presidential candidate became Vice President to guard against electoral gamesmanship.
Because of the electoral college, a presidential candidate can win with only 23% of the popular vote.
The first woman to be nominated as a US Presidential Candidate was Victoria Woodhull of the "Equal Rights Party" in 1872
Maya Lin, designer of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in DC, faced harassment based on her ethnicity after her design was picked, including presidential candidate Ross Perot calling her an "egg roll".
In the 2nd U.S. Presidential election, both major parties, the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans, nominated George Washington as their candidate.
By taking advantage of the electoral college, a US presidential candidate can win with only 22% of the popular vote
The organization that runs U.S . presidential debates is independent of the government and owned by the Republican and Democratic Parties. It has been criticized for negotiating secret contracts between candidates, excluding third parties, and "perpetrating a fraud on the American voter."
As a Presidential candidate in 1968, Richard Nixon secretly sabotaged a peace deal in Vietnam. The war went on for 5 more years.
In 1996 The New York Times crossword correctly used either candidate of the presidential election as the answer to who would be elected the next day!
Ronald Reagan got the most votes of any candidate during the 1968 Republican Presidential Primaries, but Richard Nixon won the nomination.
Presidential Candidate data charts
For your convenience take a look at Presidential Candidate figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why do presidential candidates release tax returns?
You can easily fact check why are there so many democratic presidential candidates by examining the linked well-known sources.
Presidential candidate Andrew Jackson was the first Democrat ever to be associated with the donkey symbol. His opponents during the election of 1828 tried to label him a "jackass" for his populist beliefs. Jackson was entertained by the notion and ended up using it on his campaign posters.
The first broadcast presidential debate in the US was the Republican candidates' debate in 1948. There was only one question, and each candidate had 20 minutes to answer it, then 8 1/2 minutes each to rebut the other's. - source
Since 1916 The Taller Presidential Candidate has Won about 70% of the Time. - source
Scholastic have conducted a poll of kids below the age of 18 asking their preferred presidential candidate in every election since 1940. The poll has correctly predicted the winner all but two times.
In 1968, the Youth International Party nominated a pig as their presidential candidate. At the rally announcing his candidacy, he and his supporters were arrested and charged with disorderly conduct. There is speculation that he was eaten by one of the police officers. - source
When presidential candidates announced?
President Lyndon Johnson suspected Presidential Candidate Richard Nixon of treason and had his communications monitored.
How presidential candidates are selected?
In 1952 President Harry Truman said of Presidential Candidate Dwight Eisenhower, "The General doesn't know any more about politics than a pig knows about Sunday." In 1960 he called Vice President Richard Nixon "a no good lying bastard."
Franklin D Roosevelt was the first presidential candidate who’s mother was legally eligible to vote for him
The first woman to run for president of the United States was in 1872. Victoria Woodhull was not only the first female presidential candidate, but the first woman to open a brokerage firm on wallstreet and found a newspaper.
That, in the early 1920s, failed 1916 Republican US presidential candidate Charles Evans Hughes's daughter Elizabeth was one of the first people ever to have her diabetes be successfully treated with insulin. She received 42,000 insulin injections during her lifetime and died at age 73 in 1981.
In the 1860 presidential election Abraham Lincoln only won 39.8% of the popular vote, but won a plurality and the majority of the electoral votes as there were three other major candidates.
Presidential candidate infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Presidential Candidate numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Number of threads with over 10,000 upvotes sorted by presidential candidates in the past month.