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Mentally Retarded facts

While investigating facts about Mentally Retarded, I found out little known, but curios details like:

18th Century stereotype of the "lazy southerner" was caused by widespread hookworm infections, which caused poor southerners to be lethargic, malnourished, stunted, and mentally retarded.

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Benjamin Franklin created mental health institutions in Philadelphia paid for by a tax on Authors (like himself) "because they happened to get a greater share of intelligence at birth just as the retarded happened to get less."

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what to do when you are physically and mentally exhausted. Here are 29 of the best facts about Mentally Retarded I managed to collect.

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  1. 'euphemism treadmill' a process in which a correct term is eventually perceived as an insult. For example, mental retardation which replaced a term deemed as offensive, is now viewed as politically incorrect and has been replaced by intellectual disabilities.

  2. 'Moron', 'Idiot', and 'Imbecile' were once valid Psychology terms for people with low IQ. When these terms entered vernacular usage as insults, they were disused in favor of 'Mental Retardation' which in turn was disused in favor of 'Intellectual Disability'.

  3. The ATF set up a sting operation during which they hired and then arrested a mentally retarded man, allowed armed felons to leave the store, arrested four of the wrong people, paid such high prices for guns that people sold them to the agents at a profit, and eventually got burglarized.

  4. In 1989 the supreme court ruled that executing the "mentally retarded" was constitutional with a 5-4 vote; it wasn't until 2002 that the ruling was overturned. (Penry v. Lynaugh)

  5. In the early 1900s, idiot, imbecile and moron were official terms for varying degrees of mental disability. They were replaced by 'mentally retarded' as they became too derogatory.

  6. In the state of Georgia, it is possible for a defendant to be found "Guilty but mentally retarded"

  7. Iodine deficiency is the single largest cause of preventable mental retardation in the world affecting nearly 2 billion people worldwide.

  8. %90 of humans are infected with the (mostly unnoticed) chronic disease Cytomegalovirus. This is the leading infectious cause of deafness, learning disabilities, and mental retardation in children. It may also increase morbidity and lead to death.

  9. Mixtec Indians do not consider onions to be edible except as a condiment and believe that ingesting too much of it can lead to mental retardation. This is from the anecdotes of anthropologist John Monaghan as he invited his Indian friends to eat onion soup.

  10. Hitler kept his family history a secret, not because of rumored Jewish ancestry, but rather because his family had inclinations toward mental illness and retardation.

mentally retarded facts
What's the difference between mentally and physically?

Mentally Retarded data charts

For your convenience take a look at Mentally Retarded figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

mentally retarded fact data chart about Global Household Consumption of Iodised Salt - Iodine defici
Global Household Consumption of Iodised Salt - Iodine deficiency is one of the major preventable causes of mental retardation in the world.

Why do i feel mentally and physically drained?

You can easily fact check why am i so weak physically and mentally by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Largest Population of Cases of a Rare Mental Retardation from Cousin Marrying, nicknamed "Polygamist's downs" are in the Two Home Bases of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of the LDS, who Don't Believe they Suffer Because of Inbreeding. They Think It's in the Water.

In Czech Republic, 32% of Roma children are diagnosed as “mentally retarded”. Roma people only make up 2% of the country’s population - source

Cows are unintelligent because their genome was unknowingly altered by early breeders, affecting genes linked to autism, mental retardation, and general brain development. - source

Among Arsonists who have a diagnosed mental illness, 46% have mental retardation

Cleaning a cat's litter box can get you Toxoplasmosis if the cat is infected. While pregnant, it can cause your baby to be born with cerebral palsy, seizures, and mental retardation. - source

What to do when you are physically and mentally exhausted?

Moron, Imbecile, and Idiot used to be mental deficiencies with formal definitions tied to IQ, and were replaced by the more politically correct term mental retardation

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Rosa’s law (2010) officially removed the words “mentally retarded” and “mental retardation” from health and education code. The term The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, (Fifth Edition) uses is Intellectually Disabled.

The word "mongoloid" comes from the idea that people with mental retardation (i.e. Down syndrome) have flat faces, which made them look East Asian (or Mongoloid, in the words of scientific racism).

Prior to 1973, IQ less than 85 was considered mentally retarded. Due to African Americans being counted as such the American Association on Mental Retardation moved the score down to 70.

Average People with Phenylketonuria can become mentally retarded by chewing sugar free gum and diet sodas.

The Flynn Effect: IQ's have increased so much over the passed 100 hundred years that the average person from the 20's would be on the verge of mental retardation by today's standards. This increase of intelligence is linear and is at the same rate today.

When you're mentally and physically exhausted?

According to IQ, the average person in Equatorial Guinea is mentally retarded.

Before 1973, an IQ of less than 85 was counted as mentally retarded. In 1973 the American Association of Medical Dosimetrists changed it to less than 70 because 50% of blacks were previously being counted as retarded.

The everage IQ of somalia is low enough to be considered mentally retarded

Mental Retardation Occurs In About 2.5% - 3% Of The General Population

The average African IQ is estimated at 75. - According to psychological IQ qualifications, this is considered "borderline intellectual functioning", with many african nations having even lower IQs that'd be considered "mildy mentally retarded". (Link to psychological IQ qualitifcations in comments)

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John F Kennedy's sister, Rosemary was misdiagnosed as mentally retarded. In an effort to 'protect' his future in politics from the news of his daughter, her father gave a professor permission to perform a prefrontal lobotomy, leaving her with the mental capacity of a 1-2 year old.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Mentally Retarded. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Mentally Retarded so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor