Median Age facts
While investigating facts about Median Age By Country and Median Age Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 2015, the median viewer age for Fox News was 68 years old.
how median age is calculated?
The median age of people who watch cable news is more than 60 years old.
What does median age mean?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the median age in the united states. Here are 29 of the best facts about Us Median Age and Median Age Definition I managed to collect.
what's median age?
The O'Reilly Factor is the #1 Cable News Program in America, however, the median age of viewers is 72 years old.
The median age of the country of Niger is 14.8 years old. 50% of the population is under the age of 15.
The median age of viewers of Bill O'Reilly's The O'Reilly Factor is over 72 years old
Fox News has had a median age of 65. The average primetime audience is 2 million.
The median age of of CNN viewer is 60, MSNBC and FOX is 65 according to Nielsen in 2017.
In ancient Athens the Median age for Marriage was 15 for Women and 30 for men.
The median age of the world’s population is 29.6 years old
The median age of the Ugandan population is 15.8 years
The poorest place in the USA has median age around 12 and average household size of about 6.
The median age of CBSs audience is 58.7.
Median Age data charts
For your convenience take a look at Median Age figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why does florida have a high median age?
You can easily fact check why does maine have the oldest median age by examining the linked well-known sources.
That, according to the Pew Research Center, teens aged 14-17 sent & received an average of 181 (median 100) text messages per day in 2011.
Kirya Joel, NY, is a village with the highest poverty rate in the United States. It also has the youngest median age and highest percentage of Hungarians and only 6.2% speak English at home. - source
The country with the highest median age is Monaco at 53.1 years, while the lowest is Niger at 15.4 years - source
The median age of the world's population is 30.4 years, which means more of today's population was born during The Simpsons run (including Tracey Ullman Show) than before.
The median age for CNN prime-time cable news was 59, and Fox News is 68 - source
When is the median age?
In May 2014 the median age of The O'Reilly Factor's audience was just over 72 years old. The average Fox News viewer overall was 68.8, while the average ages of MSNBC and CNN viewers were 62.5 and 62.8, respectively.
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A study of Academy Award voters found that 86 percent of them were over the age of 50, with a median age of 62. Voters were almost 94 percent white and 77 percent male.
The median retirement savings of families aged between 32-37 is $480 as of 2013, and $17k for families between 56-61
New England states like NH/ME/VT have higher Median Ages than Florida
Kiryas Joel, an ultra-Orthodox suburb of NYC, has the highest poverty rate, youngest median age population, and has a growth rate beyond that of any other town in America.
A 2004 UK survey of 180 Bulldog deaths put the median age at death at just 6.25 years
Median age infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Median Age numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

UK: Change in median total wealth between 06-08 and 14-16 by age group