Legend Zelda facts
While investigating facts about Legend Zelda Breath Of The Wild and Legend Zelda Switch, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time for the Nintendo 64 is the only game to ever get a 99 rating on Metacritic making it the best rated game of all time
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The Legend of Zelda was principally inspired by creator Shigeru Miyamoto's explorations as a young boy in the hillsides, forests, and caves surrounding his childhood home in Sonobe, Japan where he ventured into forests with secluded lakes, caves, and rural villages.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what legend of zelda games are on the switch. Here are 50 of the best facts about Legend Zelda Map and Legend Zelda Link's Awakening I managed to collect.
what is the legend of zelda?
When Shigeru Miyamoto was a child, he didn't have any toys or TV so he would spend his time roaming the countryside unsupervised. One day, he found a deep dark hole. He grabbed a lantern and discovered a miniature cave system. This experience formed the spiritual basis of The Legend of Zelda
The 3DS Remake of "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" has the same bugs and glitches as the original N64 version.
Link, from The Legend Of Zelda, was originally intended to have a button nose similar to Mario, but the wife of game designer Yoshiaki Koizumi convinced him to change it to a sharper one because she thought Nintendo didn't have enough handsome characters.
During testing of The Legend of Zelda in 1986, the testers complained that the game was too confusing and that they kept getting lost. As a result of this, Shigeru Miyamoto decided to make the game even harder by starting off the player without a weapon.
The original Legend of Zelda was deeply rooted with Christian references, including the "Spell Book" actually being the Bible and an official picture of Link praying to a crucifix. It was censored by Nintendo of America to avoid offending everyone religious and non-religious.
"The Legend of Zelda" creator based the character Link on the Walt Disney version of Peter Pan -- both characters had green tunics, pointy ears, and no parents, and both were accompanied by sassy fairies.
Robin Williams named his daughter Zelda after the The Legend of Zelda video games. Zelda Williams is a fan of her namesake and stated that Majora's Mask is her favorite game.
Robin Williams named his daughter Zelda after his son, Zack, suggested it from playing Legend of Zelda.
Princess Zelda, the eponymous character of the The Legend of Zelda series of video games, is named after Zelda Fitzgerald, wife of Great Gatsby author F. Scott Fitzgerald.
The Legend of Zelda was named after Zelda Fitzgerald, wife of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Legend Zelda data charts
For your convenience take a look at Legend Zelda figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why is it the legend of zelda by examining the linked well-known sources.
The Legend of Zelda" was not supposed to be the name of the series. It was intended to be called; "The Hyrule Fantasy", with The Legend of Zelda being the first games subtitle. When ported to the west, "The Hyrule Fantasy" was dropped, which inspired Nintendo to use Zelda as the franchise name.
The Legend of Zelda was first released 29 years ago today! Happy Birthday Link! - source
The late Hollywood actor Robin Williams named his own daughter after Princess Zelda because he was such a huge fan. He also wanted to voice Ganondorf if the series was ever made into a movie.
Link, the main protagonist of 'The Legend of Zelda' series spoke in one of the games. In 'The Adventure of Link', Link says "I found a mirror under the table". This is the only game he does so.
The Triforce in the Legend Of Zelda series was originally going to be made of electronic chips. The game would have jumped between past and future settings, with the player character acting as the "Link" between them, hence his name. - source
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The character Tingle is popular in Japan bit not so much in the United States.
How to play legend of zelda?
Zelda from Legend of Zelda was named after the wife of F Scott Fitzgerald, the writer of The Great Gatsby.
By 2016 the Legend of Zelda franchise had sold more than 75 million copies of its popular games.
Koji Kondo was 24 when he wrote the music and sound effects for Super Mario Bros, and was 25 when he did the same for The Legend of Zelda
Boboblin's nose-picking sounds in the 2017 Breath of the Wild game was created by squishing a finger in a wet cloth.
The voice of Mario wanted to play Legend of Zelda's Link, but series creator Shigeru Miyamoto said no.