Table Tennis facts
While investigating facts about Table Tennis Rules and Table Tennis Near Me, I found out little known, but curios details like:
USA has never won Olympic medals in just 3 sports: handball, badminton, and table tennis.
how table tennis was invented?
In 1991 World Table Tennis Championships North and South Korea participated as a unified team under the name "Korea" to beat the "unbeatable" Chinese team
Who is the world champion at table tennis?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what table tennis table to buy. Here are 33 of the best facts about Table Tennis Game and Table Tennis Bats I managed to collect.
who is the best at table tennis?
A friendly exchange between an American and Chinese player in the 1971 World Ping-Pong Championship prompted Mao Zedong to invite the American table-tennis to China, helping re-open Sino-American relations for the first time since the cold war.
Max Woosnam captained Manchester City football club and England, scored a century at Lord's, played golf off scratch, won Wimbledon and Olympic gold in tennis, made a 147 break at snooker and beat Charlie Chaplin in table tennis with a butter knife.
The 2020 Olympics will add more than two dozen new events to the games; including Surfing, Skateboarding, Sport Climbing, Co-Ed Team Judo, Two forms of Karate, and Co-Ed Doubles Table Tennis.
In table tennis, the racket may be of any size, shape or weight.
In 1991, North and South Korea competed together as a single team in the 41st World Table Tennis Championships and the 8th World Youth Football Championship using a flag that depicted a united Korea. There were even plans to continue this athletic partnership in the Olympics.
Table tennis bats must be red and black to prevent players from flipping the bat to disguise which side they used to hit the ball. This would be effective because 'combination bats' use different surfaces on each side, which affect the ball differently.
Table tennis was banned in the USSR from 1930-50 on the grounds that it was harmful to people's eyes.
Pingpong (table tennis) was invented by British and pingpong it's actually trademarked name belonging to British company
Due to China's dominance in table tennis during the Summer Olympics, the format was changed so that only two competitors from each country can enter instead of three.
When gunman entered Dunblane primary school and killed 16 people, during the shooting young boy and his brother went hiding under a table. That boy later grew up to be olympic winner tennis star Andy Murray.
Table Tennis data charts
For your convenience take a look at Table Tennis figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why do table tennis players touch the table?
You can easily fact check why play table tennis by examining the linked well-known sources.
The table tennis racket may be of any size, shape or weight.
44 of the 172 table tennis players participating at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games were Chinese-born - source
The Soviet Union banned table tennis from 1930 to 1950 because it was believed to be harmful to the eyes - source
"table tennis" and "ping pong" are not exactly the same thing.
In 2000, the International Table Tennis Federation changed the official ball size to make Table Tennis more suitable for television. - source
When table tennis was invented?
Rockstar ported RAGE (Rockstar Advanced Game Engine) to the Wii in the form of a Table Tennis Game a year after the game's debut on the Xbox 360 in 2006. This is the same engine that went on to run GTA IV in 2008.
How table tennis player?
Ibrahim Hamato; who despite not having any arms, is actually a skilled table tennis player and plays with his mouth. He has won two silver medals in Para-table tennis.
Tables tennis was banned in Russia because one thought it would impair vision
The longest table tennis rally lasted 8 hr 40 min 5 sec and was played by Daniel Ives and Peter Ives at the Plumstead Radical Working Men's Club in London, UK, on 23 March 2014.
Only Asian countries have won the gold medal in Singles Table Tennis - except for in 1992, when it was won by Swedish player Jan-Ove Waldner.
Along with half of Reddit, about "Headis": table-tennis played with a football and your head.