Germanic Languages facts
While investigating facts about Germanic Languages List and Germanic Languages Tree, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Many courses in German Universities are actually offered in English, and international students don’t even have to meet the German language requirements to apply. In Germany undergraduate students don’t pay any tuition fees in all the public universities since October 2014
how many germanic languages are there?
A major reason why native English speakers have issues understanding German humour, is that the German language is way too precise to allow for the humorous confusions found in English. Also, German humour is usually delivered with a deadpan, which makes foreigners think they're being serious.
What countries speak germanic languages?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are all the germanic languages. Here are 50 of the best facts about Germanic Languages Definition and Germanic Languages Comparison I managed to collect.
what are the germanic languages?
Because Germany dubs Hollywood movies to their native language, for every Hollywood movie-star there is an equivalent German voice actor who is used again and again in the same films as their counterpart.
The Czech language was saved from extinction by puppet shows. In the 17th century, the Catholic Ferdinand II forced the Protestant Czech people to speak in German and banned the Czech language. Puppets were the only remaining entities that had the right to speak Czech in public places.
Because babies listen to the languages spoken around them while still in the womb, they develop distinctive cries that reflect this when they're born. Thus - babies cry with an accent, making it possible to distinguish a French baby from a German baby, based purely on the way they cry.
That, until it was forcibly suppressed during WWI, German was the second most widely spoken language in the USA, with many local governments, schools, and newspapers operating in German.
There is an American restaurant chain, "Der Wienerschnitzel", that contains three German language errors in its name. The gender is incorrect, the restaurant serves hot dogs (not Wiener schnitzel), and a missing space implies that residents of Vienna have been used as an ingredient.
American speech is punctuated with "uh" & "um", English speech with "er" & "erm", Japanese with "ā", "anō", & "ēto", German with "äh", French with "euh"-- basically, every language uses different sounds to interrupt themselves while their brain is working on forming thoughts into words.
German was the second largest spoken language in the U.S. before it was forcibly oppressed during the First World War. Americans with German ancestry, are still the single largest ethnic group in the U.S.
Tina Turner is no longer an American citizen. She has passed a German language test and Swiss history test and is exclusively a Swiss citizen after giving up her American citizenship.
“shitstorm” has been adopted into the German language as, a perfectly polite noun meaning, an internet born controversy
A German woman named Thea Alba became famous in the 1920s because she's could write 10 different things with all 10 fingers at the same time. She could also write using both hands, both feet, and her mouth simultaneously spelling in different languages.
Germanic Languages data charts
For your convenience take a look at Germanic Languages figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why do germanic languages use the latin alphabet?
You can easily fact check why are they called germanic languages by examining the linked well-known sources.
Tesla could speak eight languages : Serbo-Croatian, Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, and even Latin.
Tagalog is the fifth most spoken language in the united states, ranking higher than Vietnamese, Korean, German, Arabic and Russian. - source
Deadpool is multilingual, with the ability to speak fluently in German, Spanish, ASL(Sign Language) and Japanese, in addition to his native English and he is Omnisexual. "Deadpool is whatever sexual inclination his brain tells him he is in THAT moment. And then the moment passes." - source
Pope John Paul II was a polyglot. He spoke 12 languages; Polish, Latin, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, English, German, Ukrainian, Serbo-Croatian, Slovak and Esperanto. He used 9 as Pope. He learned them in 1938, just before the Nazis occupied Poland.
The Pennsylvania Dutch aren't actually Dutch, they are German. Upon arrival, they were saying "Deutsch" which is German for, well, German. Germany in the their native language is "Deutschland." English speaking Americans just assumed they were saying "Dutch." - source
When did germanic languages split?
The German naturalist Alexander von Humboldt in South America in 1800 encountered a very old parrot that was the sole speaker of a dead Indian language, the original tribe having gone extinct."
How many languages are germanic?
Germans score higher than the English on IELTS, The International English Language Testing System
Victor Klemperer, Jewish KZ inmate and post-war professor of German literature, wrote a book which analyses how nazis introduced a nearly Orwellian kind of German language. Examples are "crisis" for defeat, "connection" (Anschluss) for annexation, and "enhanced interrogation" for torture.
Falco's 1985 single "Rock Me Amadeus" made him the only artist whose principal language was German to score a vocal number-one hit in the US.
German is an official language of Belgium despite being spoken natively by less than 1% of the population
LEGO launched 'braille bricks' for children to learn braille. The product is currently being tested in various languages too: Danish, Norwegian, English, Portuguese, German, Spanish, and French.
Germanic languages infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Germanic Languages numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.