Proto Indo facts
While investigating facts about Proto Indo European and Proto Indo European Language, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A possible origin of the name Cerberus (the multi-headed dog of the Greek god Hades) is the Proto-Indo-European word k̑érberos, meaning "spotted". Hades' dog might have literally been named "Spot".
how did language spread from one proto-indo-european language?
Greek "Zeus" and Latin "Jupiter" stem from the same Proto-Indo-European word for "Sky Father" (Dyeus ph2tēr), from the root verb "to shine" (dyeu)
What did proto indo european sound like?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does proto indo european mean. Here are 25 of the best facts about Proto Indo European Words and Proto Indo European Religion I managed to collect.
what is proto indo european?
Many major religions (Greek, Roman, Viking, Hindu, Jewish, Christian, Muslim) are all thought to stem from a single Proto-Indo-European religion
When the android David talks to the Engineer in Prometheus, he speaks in Proto-Indo-European, the mother of European languages from ~4000-3500 BC.
The gods Thor (Viking), Zeus (Greek), and Indra (Hinduism) are historically different depictions of their predecessor Proto-Indo European god.
The ancient language Sanskrit shares many similarities with the classical Western languages Latin and Greek, and it is believed that these languages originate from one lost motherlanguage known as Proto-Indo-European
The name for the mythical hammer "Mjölnir" comes from the Proto-Indo-European word for "grindstone", and words like "hammer," "lightning," and "thunderbolt" have the same origin in several other languages.
Lithuanian is considered to be the oldest Indo-European language, and therefore the most helpful in reconstructing Proto-Indo-European, the ancestor to about half the languages spoken today.
One folk tale exists in different versions throughout the Indo-European language family, which means that it may originate from an early or proto-Indo-European culture thousands of years ago
Just by comparing various languages, archeologists not only reconstructed the language, but the society, culture and religion of the proto Indo-Europeans, the people that gave birth to languages such as Spanish, English, Hindi, Persian, Portuguese, Bengali, Russian, and French
Some of the basic vocab of Germanic languages appears to be of non-Indo-European origin. Nobody is sure how this happened - one theory is that proto-Germanic was a pidgin created by the merging of Indo-European with the language of the indigenous population of Scandinavia or north Germany.
Sanskrit, an ancient language from India, is widely accepted to have come from the same source as Greek and Latin - a language called Proto-Indo-European.
Proto Indo data charts
For your convenience take a look at Proto Indo figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why was proto indo european so complex?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
The word 'East' comes from the Proto-Indo-European word 'aus' which means 'dawn' the sun rises in the East
Half of All Languages Come From Anatolian, or more commonly Proto-Indo-European. Today, 3 billion people speak Indo-European langauges. - source
Proto-Indo-European, an ancient language which was the common ancestor of the Romance, Greek, Germanic, Slavic, and Indo-Aryan languages.
French "que" and German "was" (roughly equivalent to "what") are descendant from the same Proto-Indo-European word reconstructed as *kwod and are the same phonemes (sounds) after having evolved through milennia. - source
When was proto indo european spoken?
The name Jupiter comes from Iu-Piter, which can be traced back to a Proto indo-european word meaning "Sky Father".
How to speak proto indo european?
The Proto-Indo-Europeans had Pastorialism, Agriculture, the Solid Wheel, and worshipped the Sky God.
The Otter got its name the Old English word otor or oter, derived from Proto-Indo-European language root *wódr̥, which means water.
The word "God" has its roots in the Latin word for God, "Deus". The word "Deus" has it's roots in the name "Dyḗus Ph2tḗr,", the chief deity in an ancient Proto-Indo-European mythology. "Dyḗus Ph2tḗr" literally means "sky father" and he was the ancient God of the daylit sky.
The modern word for 'sun' in the Scandinavian languages - 'sol' - has managed to keep its ancient form both in spelling and pronunciation. Originally being the name of Sol, the Norse goddess and personification of the sun, the word possibly goes as far back as to Proto-Indo-European times.
The words "bra", "brachial", "pretzel", "brief" and "merry" are all descendant from a single Proto-Indo-European root meaning "short"