Francis Galton facts
While investigating facts about Francis Galton Eugenics and Francis Galton Psychology, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Charles Darwin's cousin Francis Galton invented the dog whistle, meteorology, forensic fingerprinting and mathematical correlation. He also suggested that principles of animal breeding could be applied to humans, coined the word 'eugenics', and came up with the 'nature vs nurture' idea.
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He coined the term eugenics in 1883 and his studies led him to reject the popular theory of the inheritance of acquired characteristics.
What did francis galton discover?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is sir francis galton known for. Here are 24 of the best facts about Francis Galton Intelligence and Francis Galton Theory I managed to collect.
what is francis galton known for?
He wrote a successful book about his experience, "Narrative of an Explorer in Tropical South Africa," and was awarded the Royal Geographical Society's gold medal in 1853.
Henry Faulds wrote to Charles Darwin about the potential importance of fingerprinting in the criminal justice system, "but, too old and ill to work on it, Darwin gave the information to his cousin, Francis Galton," who "calculated that the chance of a 'false positive' was about 1 in 64 billion."
When his father died in 1844 and left him a substantial fortune he abandoned his studies and became an enthusiastic world traveler.
This experience caused him to propose a link between genius and madness.
A severe nervous breakdown cut short his path to PhD and he was awarded an M.A, in 1847.
Darwin's book The Origin of the Species fired a passion in Galton to study the physical and psychological variations in human populations and he created a laboratory for the large-scale collection of statistical data.
Galton made many contributions to the science of meteorology and on 1 April 1875 he created the first weather map printed in The Times.
From 1840 to 1844 he studied mathematics at Trinity College, Cambridge University.
He wrote a practical hand-book for travelers, The Art of Travel, which was a best seller in its day and is still in print.
The first Europeans to see and record Etosha Pan were Francis Galton and Charles John Anderson, in 1851. They came across the pan while leaving Namutoni with copper ore traders.
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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
For two years he studied medicine at Birmingham General Hospital and King's College in London.
Galton was born in the Sparkbrook area of Birmingham, England to a wealthy family.
He pioneered the use of the questionnaire in his various studies.
He attended King Edward's School in Birmingham but left at age 16 to study medicine.
Galton was a child prodigy and by age five he had learned some Latin, Greek and mathematics.
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He was Charles Darwin's half-cousin and Darwin influenced Galton's later study.
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Regression to Mediocrity. Sir Francis Galton discovered that the children of parents with extreme features (e.g. very tall) would tend towards the typical "mediocre" height.
In 1850 he joined the Royal Geographical Society and mounted an expedition to South West Africa.
Human Intelligence is Hereditary, originally hypothesized by Charles Darwin’s cousin, Francis Galton
Sir Francis Galton, father of meteorology, a pioneer in Eugenics and the person credited with coining the term, was Charles Darwin's half-cousin
The best "scientific way" to cut a cake is to cut out the middle and push the exposed pieces together. This way the cake stays fresh and you don't need a container. The method was published in the prestigious scientific journal Nature in 1906, by Francis Galton. [5 min video]